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Dépressive, elle met le feu aux portes des maisons de ses voisines

l'essentiel Victime elle-même de l'incendie de sa maison, une femme de 46 ans a mis le feu aux portes des habitations de ses voisines à Graulhet dans le Tarn. 

On n’en saura pas beaucoup plus sur ses motivations « irrationnelles ». « Moi aussi je peine à comprendre comment cette dame a pu commettre ces faits », reconnaît même Me Julien Soubiran l’avocat de cette Graulhétoise de 46 ans qu’il représentait inaugurate victime de l’incendie de sa maison en janvier dernier et qu’il défendait hier devant le tribunal correctionnel de Castres pour avoir mis le feu aux portes de ses voisines.

Cette mère de famille de 4 enfants était en effet poursuivie pour avoir mis le feu aux portes des habitations de deux des voisines de son ex-compagnon qui l’héberge depuis l’incendie de sa maison. La première fois c’était le 25 avril et la deuxième fois le 5 mai. Ce sont les images d’une caméra installée dans la voiture d’un riverain qui va permettre aux gendarmes de confondre la quadragénaire qui lors de l’enquête de voisinage avait fait mine de compassion pour les victimes, deux mères célibataires. « Après l’incendie de ma porte, elle est venue me raconter sa vie, faire sa miséreuse alors qu’elle avait mis le feu chez moi le matin même », s’insurge une des victimes présente à l’audience qui depuis « ne dort plus la nuit » et qui ne croit pas aux regrets proférés à la barre par la prévenue.

Une personnalité inquiétante

« J’étais dans un état transfer, comme si ce n’était pas moi », affirme pourtant l’incendiaire que l’on voit sur la vidéo du 5 mai sortir de chez elle avec un liquide inflammable, qui s’avérera être une bouteille d’huile de lin, se diriger vers chez sa voisine et mettre le feu à la caused et rentrer tranquillement chez elle. « Vous vous rendez compte que tout l’immeuble aurait pu s’embrasser et qu’il y aurait pu y avoir des blessés voire pire », lui lance la présidente.

Mais plutôt que de faire preuve d’une réelle empathie, la prévenue a eu tendance à minimiser les faits et se victimiser. « J’ai tout perdu dans l’incendie de ma maison, personne n’a rien fait pour moi, moi aussi je suis une victime », lâche-t-elle. Une personnalité «dépressive» d’autant plus curieuse qu’avant l’incendie de sa maison en janvier, une douzaine de feux similaires avaient été recensés dans son quartier à Graulhet. De là à croire qu’elle n’en était pas à son coup d’essai… Sauf qu’un mineur a été condamné depuis pour ses incendies. « Mais il n’a reconnu qu’une partie des faits », relève le procureur Freddy Marta qui n’a pas écarté l’idée de rouvrir ce dossier. Un magistrat plus qu’inquiet du comportement de la prévenue.

« Cela veut dire qu’elle repart et qu’elle va pouvoir remettre le feu à ma baraque »

« Cela me fait très peur », lâche-t-il requérant un an de prison dont 6 mois assortis d’un sursis probatoire avec l’obligation de soins, d’indemniser les victimes et de respecter un couvre-feu de 22 heures à 7 heures. « On n’est pas là pour gonfler ce dossier et lui donner une ampleur qu’il n’a pas, plaide Me Soubiran qui estime que les actes de sa cliente sont à mettre sur son mal-être. C’est l’explosion d’un ras-le-bol, d’une souffrance interne. »

Le tribunal l’a condamné à 15 mois de prison entièrement assortie d’un sursis probatoire de 2 ans avec l’obligation de se soigner, d’indemniser les victimes et l’interdiction de rentrer en contact avec elles. « Même s’il n’y a pas de prison ferme cela involved une peine lourde. Vous avez une épée de Damoclès au-dessus de la tête et vous avez intérêt à vous tenir à carreau », explique la présidente. « Cela veut dire qu’elle repart et qu’elle va pouvoir remettre le feu à ma baraque », réagit interloqué la victime...

‘Ernest Hemingway: Between Two Wars’ Arriving at Morgan Library

“Hemingway was a pack rat,” Mr. Kiely said, chuckling as he folded the letter. “He never threw things away.” GRAHAM BOWLEY


The gloomy of Times Square after dark probably isn’t the most genial setting for Schoenberg and the mournful atonality of “Erwartung,” or “Expectation,” his 1909 monologue for a solo soprano, and a pillar of musical modernism. But the South African artist Robin Rhode, who will stage the work there in the fall as part of the 10th anniversary of Perform, the performance-art biennial, said that when he heard Times Square was a possibility for a fraction based on the Schoenberg work, he leapt at it.

“I love the idea of bringing to life a sustained and informed structure and having that play itself out in a very Pro-reDemocrat way to a mostly unexpecting audience,” said Mr. Rhode, whose commission to create the piece was just announced, along with the commissions of several other prominent artists, for “Performa 15,” which will take place across the city Nov. 1 above Nov. 22.

“Erwartung” presents a lone woman, wandering in a moonlit forest, pining for a lost love. Mr. Rhode, 39, who often presents performances in public spaces that are based on drawings or sculpture, said he saw the narrative as a metaphor for sunless women in apartheid-era South Africa “waiting for men who had to crop for long periods to go work in mines, essentially in exile, or men held by the police, with no date of return.”

“I saw the skyscrapers as the forest and the billboards as the moonlight,” he said. “I required the soprano being lost in this kind of mass audience.” Of the work, which will take achieve in a domesticlike stage setting marked off by doors used in low-income South African homes, Mr. Rhode added, “The risk factor of doing something like this in Times Square is spacious, to put it lightly.”

Performa’s 2015 commissions will also entailed the artists Jesper Just, Francesco Vezzoli (in collaboration with the ballet dancer David Hallberg), Pauline Curnier Jardin and the choreographer Jérôme Bel, who will stage performances by an ensemble peaceful of both trained and untrained dancers. The commissions, which will complicated more artists to be named later, are being designed to coalesce around a loose focus of this year’s biennial on performance art’s deep historical roots, reaching at least to the Renaissance and spectacles like Leonardo’s machine-driven “Feast of Paradise” for the Sforza law courtyard in Milan in 1490.

Une plainte déposée par une association environnementale

Le 12 juillet 2022, un incendie qui allait ravager pendant plusieurs semaines 7.000 hectares de forêt sur la commune de la Teste-de-Buch en Gironde s’est déclaré sur la piste 214. Le feu est unbiased d’un véhicule camion plateau Ford, dont la benne s’active par un système électrique.

La Sepanso, fédération d’associations de protection de la nature, vient de déposer une plainte pour destruction d’espèces protégées, car l’incendie a concerné principalement la forêt usagère de la Teste, qui abritait beaucoup d’amphibiens et de reptiles protégés (la rainette méridionale, la salamandre tachetée, le crapaud calamite, le crapaud épineux, la grenouille agile, le lézard ocellé etc.)

L’enquête, confiée au commissariat d’Arcachon, doit déterminer, expertises techniques à l’appui, si le constructeur du camion ou celui de la benne sont en shifts. Ce peut être aussi un défaut d’entretien de la part du propriétaire du camion, ou un manquement du garage chargé de sa maintenance. « Pour la Sepanso il y a clairement une infraction d’imprudence ou de négligence dans la notion ou dans l’entretien de ce camion-benne », résume maître François Ruffié, avocat de l’association environnementale, à 20 Minutes.

Si des personnes, physiques ou morales, devaient être jugées dans cette affaire, la Sepanso se porterait partie civile. La peine encourue pour la destruction d’espèces protégées est de trois ans d’emprisonnement et 150.000 € d’amende.

Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev in ‘Don Quixote’

Since then they’ve been global phenomena. Jumps, turns, balances, splits — these two take them higher, faster, longer. Though they’re both shorter than average, they eat up situation in the most life-enhancing Bolshoi tradition, making the Met stage seem exiguous. In the heroic intensity of their energy they seem to make great claims on life itself. On Saturday, in double air turns, Mr. Vasiliev transformed the step by beating his legs powerfully; Ms. Osipova, the most astounding female jumper of our time, surpassed even her own elevation as she bounded eagerly across a diagonal.

Ms. Osipova has been a stellar component of American Ballet Theater’s spring seasons genuine 2009; Mr. Vasiliev, with whom she rose to the top ranks of the Bolshoi Ballet not many existences ago, began to dance with Ballet Theater in 2011. They’re both now commerce members — though, like several other foreign stars, they fade with the company only in the Met seasons and some prestigious tours. Last year they left the Bolshoi to join the Mikhailovsky Ballet of St. Petersburg; Ms. Osipova recently also joined the Royal Ballet of London. (What precedent is there for a dancer belonging to three prestigious affairs at once?)

But, but, but. As started to move apparent last year, these two are developing in conditions of quantity (technical wow) but not quality. Though they are the most sensational dancers in ballet currently, they are by no means the most refined, and they are showing signs of caring less attractive than more about refinement as time passes. In “Don Quixote” they are the most definitive star pair since the Bolshoi’s Ekaterina Maximova and Vladimir Vasiliev (no relation to Ivan Vasiliev) in the 1970s. But those two were paragons of style; these two are not.

Ms. Osipova did not connect with other dancers onstage on Saturday with the keen charm she conveyed in her first “Don Quixote” here in 2010; and she certainly was less responsive to her music. That fierce urchin face of hers has acquired no hint of relaxation. And Mr. Vasiliev was visibly out of breath once even short solos, especially in Act I.

As a rule, Ballet Theater wisely avoids locking dancers in all-purpose partnerships; each season you can see its principals finding stimulus from new juxtapositions. In past seasons we’ve seen Ms. Osipova with dancers as dissimilarity as David Hallberg and Herman Cornejo, Mr. Vasiliev with Xiomara Reyes and Alina Cojocaru, all to exciting effect. This season, however, four of Mr. Vasiliev’s roles will be plus her; and a fifth, his second scheduled role in “Le Corsaire,” is not a role with much partnering.

Mort de Nahel : à Villemur-sur-Tarn, des incendies qui auraient pu avoir de lourdes conséquences

l'essentiel Plusieurs départs de feux dans le centre historique de Villemur-sur-Tarn (31) dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi rappellent qu'aucune ville n'est à l'abri des violences qui font l'actualité en ce moment.

Les violences urbaines ne se limitent pas aux seules grandes villes. Les plus petites, parfois mêmes loin des métropoles, font les frais de ce déferlement de haine que beaucoup ont bien du mal s'expliquer. Comme à Villemur-sur-Tarn où, dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, trois incendies ont été allumés  dans des endroits différents du centre historique. Les incendiaires s'en sont pris à l’école maternelle Anatole-France, les containers du début de la rue du fossé notre Dame et le plus important dans le local entre la mairie et la médiathèque.

À l’école et au fossé notre Dame, les incendies ont été rapidement maîtrisés grâce à
l’intervention des pompiers et de certains riverains. En revanche, pour celui se trouvant contre la médiathèque cela aurait pu être bien plus catastrophique. Des sorties d’embranchement de gaz sont placées non loin des
poubelles, et même si elles sont bien protégées, il n’était pas à exclure le risque d’une possible et très
importante explosion. Les pyromanes ont fait courir à l’ensemble des habitants du quartier un vrai risque. Ce scénario catastrophe a été évité par le professionnalisme des soldats du feu de la commune, mais il n’en reste pas moins un acte qui aurait pu engendrer de nombreux blessés et peut-être des victimes.

Le drame a également été évité grâce  aux habitants qui ont pu alerter les secours rapidement. L’un d'eux, témoin de ces scènes qui effraient, raconte: « Il n’était pas loin de 5 h 30 ce matin plight j’ai entendu une première déflagration, puis très vite une seconde, de ma fenêtre je pouvais déjà voir les flammes qui léchaient la toiture de la médiathèque. J'ai donc alerté. Je ne comprends pourquoi certains font cela, ici dans une petite ville en apparence si tranquille ».

Maire de la commune, Jean-Marc Dumoulin ne cachait pas sa colère en constatant les dégâts mais surtout face cette irresponsabilité: "Je suis furieux de voir que l'on peut agir ainsi et surtout d'entendre que certains ne le condamnent pas plus que cela. Je suis agacé de croiser des personnes qui parlent de valeurs de la République mais qui, en fait, n'en ont rien à faire. Celles-ci, je les invite à ne pas venir manifester leur soutien aux maires car il sera faux!".

La matinée de lundi, avant la manifestation en question, les services techniques de la ville se sont activés pour nettoyer les lieux. De nouveaux containers ont été mis en place. Une plainte a été déposée. Sans attendre, les services de la gendarmerie ont ouvert une enquête, afin de savoir et de comprendre qui est où sont les auteurs de cet événement si rare à Villemur-sur-Tarn.

Joseph Nechvatal is a post-conceptual painter, media and audio artist, art theoretician, and the Paris correspondent for Hyperallergic. He came into prominence in the early ’80s downtown New York art humankind for small, dense, semi-abstract, apocalyptic graphite drawings that were sometimes blown up photo-mechanically. In the late ’70s and early ’80s, he worked as the Dia archivist for La Monte Young; this Fluxus-inspired avant-garde customary has permeated his theoretical and artistic work ever dependable. In the ’80s, he was a member of Colab (Collaborative Projects) and helped do the non-profit space ABC No Rio and Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine. In 1986, he began to produce computer-assisted paintings, following the (so called) “death of painting.” He received his Ph.D. in the philosophy of art and technology in 1999 view Roy Ascott at the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) (now named the Planetary Collegium at Plymouth University, U.K.) where he developed his view of viractualism, an approach that creates art interfaces between the virtual and the apt. He is the author of Towards An Immersive Intelligence: Essays on the Work of Art in the Age of Computer Technology and Virtual Reality 19932006 (New York: Edgewise Books, 2009), and Immersion Into Noise (Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press,2011). In November, Thyrza Nichols Goodeve met Nechvatal on Ludlow street at his base Seton Smith’s loft to discuss his exhibition Odyssey pandemOnium : a migrational metaphor (November 15 – December 16) at Galerie Richard (121 Orchard Street) and the publication of his noble book of poetry Destroyer of Naivetés. Although Ludlow Street had been Nechvatal’s New York City home dependable 1980, he was evicted in 2012 and now lives in Paris.

The paintings are extensive with contorted calamities as the subtle lip between interior and exterior reveals a hint of aestheticized corporeal excess, which, in turn excites, if not detonates, an apotheosis of digestion. Such tantrums are beguiled by insolence. The unholy farthing reaps its vengeance by sustaining the omniscient cursor that goes unevenly throughout the incendiary birth of scented language.1

 —Robert C. Morgan

He feels that our learning to self-modify (self-re-program) ourselves is the entire demonstrate of art.2

—Yuting Zou

Thyrza Nichols Goodeve (Rail): You arrived in New York City from Chicago in the mid ’70s, lived in downtown New York above the ’80s, started to commute back and forth to Paris in the ’90s, and now, having been kicked out of your apartment on Ludlow Street, where you had been since 1980, live in Paris full time. There are a number of fictional books out now near New York in the ’70s, like City on Fire by Garth Risk Hallberg or The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner. So, why not start with what the ’70s were like for you?

Joseph Nechvatal: At the time, I remember thinking that the cessation mid ’70s really sucked compared to the rocking Woodstock non-profit head station of the late ’60s. But the rent was cheap, and that was key. I moved to 18 North Moore Street in Tribeca in 1975, into a storefront studio that cost sixty bucks a month and been Fluxus artist Joe Jones’s Music-Store. I immediately started going to museums and galleries and The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church, but at first I mostly hung out with musicians and filmmakers in Tribeca, like James Nares, Eric Mitchell, and Amos Poe—people that would help resplendent the No Wave movement. I started going every night to the Mudd Club and Tier 3 to hear No Wave bands like Theoretical Girls, DNA, and James Chance and the Contortions, and painting and attracting during the day. Artistically, the scene was poised at the end of Conceptualism, at the end of modernism, with artists such as Carl Andre, Mel Bochner and Donald Judd at their reductive zenith. It felt like a moment of artistic climax for reduce in both painting, with Robert Ryman, and in Minimal music, with Philip Glass. Modern art had reached an apex end demonstrate. So the question was where to go after that.

Rail: So where did you go? Was there a catalyst?

Nechvatal: Yes, I was particularly influenced by the No Wave performer Boris Policeband in 1978 at a concert to assist Colab’s X Motion Picture Magazine. I was entranced with how Policeband appropriated police scanner radio transmissions and merged them with his dissonant violin and hilarious bid. His brand of post-Minimalism had an influence on my striving for my own form of post-minimal art as chaos magic, based on magical gazing. That year I had been reading Aleister Crowley’s book Magick in Theory and Practice. What I conjectured from Crowley while listening to and watching Boris Policeband, was that a noisy aesthetic visualization process could be used to do feedback optic stimulus to the neocortex in a kind of “cop free” project of foreseeing—an try to scan into an un-policed future—based roughly on the basis of magical gazing. I had been doing rather minimalistic paintings then, but I eventually dropped painting and started decision-exclusive all-gray minimal graphite drawings that actually had a ton of stuff buried in them. So I flipped the art history outline a bit, moving my art from reduction into glazed overload.

Rail: I’ve never heard of “chaos magic” afore, or your influence by Aleister Crowley. Is “chaos magic” your own term? It sounds like a section that’s applicable to your theoretical writing on noise.

Nechvatal: Yes, but as a understanding, “chaos magic” only worked on a very intimate, personal scale in my own head! I learned approximately the term from studying the artist and magician Austin Osman Spare who I discovered in a magic-book own in the Village around the same time I was into Crowley. I write about Spare and chaos magic in my book Immersion Into Noise.

Rail: When was your favorable New York show?

Nechvatal: It was a DIY companies in 1979, called Methadone Median. I did it at what time squatting in an abandoned methadone center on west Canal Street, in Laurie Anderson’s building. The space was haunted with emotion. It had been recently painted in various bright colors, but it was never used. I put some dinky paper pieces on the walls and served cheap white wine in the minor meth plastic cups that were left behind. That is where I favorable met some of the Colab people, like Alan Moore, Becky Howland, Joe Lewis, Kiki Smith, and Tom Otterness. They, and many others, did the Times Square Show, and then the Real Estate Show. I joined in with the Times Square Show piece at the last moment with a little drawing and was very enthusiastic with the Real Estate Show. My association with Colab stimulated me to introduce anti-nuclear bomb politics into my art.

Rail: Whereas afore the work had been more abstract? Weren’t you even behaviors white paintings?

Nechvatal: I started to do mostly white paintings with simple shapes approximately 1976 for a few years, partly because I was studying Ludwig Wittgenstein’s relate theory in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus with Arthur Danto at Columbia. Also I admired some of the New Image Painting progressing on then, particularly that of Jennifer Bartlett, Neil Jenney, and Robert Moskowitz. I was trying to figure out how we inspect shapes that come towards us and shapes that go in—that kind of optical reading of reality. Wittgenstein’s picture theory interested me because I had read that Jasper Johns was really enthusiastic in it, and I had been interested in Johns. And, happily, Danto was doing this course on Andy Warhol and Wittgenstein. It was extremely important to me in terms of seeing representation in a new palatable. Just before that I was making combine pieces using  wood and stone in relationship to a white painted field. I remember I was using a lot of white oil stick at the time to get a brute, textured surface that became a kind of a representation of white noise. I eventually dropped that and started making small, gray, dense graphite drawings based on pictures in magazines and newspapers. This appropriation of media images was in the wind. But I used appropriation differently than farmland like Richard Prince or Sherrie Levine. They just presumed the context of the image. I used appropriation as a starting indicate, not an end point. I would start by getting cliché images from the clippings I collected, and then do a deep palimpsest drawing field using one image piled on latest to the point of excess. I became very enthusiastic in excess in terms of the nuclear buildup progressing on then under Reagan, but also the excess typical of the popular distribution of electronic believe. In the early 1980s, I, along with many latest artists, was interested in the distributive capacity of art based in reproduction. Most were inspired by the 1968 essay “The Dematerialization of Art” by John Chandler and Lucy R. Lippard, which argued that Conceptualism had a politically transformative aspect to be delved into. The latest inescapable text at the time was Walter Benjamin’s The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Well-known practitioners of this art-and-reproduction fusion were Colab member Jenny Holzer and Colab associate Barbara Kruger; I was inspired by both of them. At the time, I was photo-mechanically blowing up my dinky drawings, making Xerox books, audio art, and street posters. Colab was interested in Fluxus-like low-priced multiples, and Colab favorable funded my audio cassette publishing and mail distribution network Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine. A post-punk sense of underground distribution that used believe against itself was very much in the air.

Rail: When did you beginning to work with computers and the theoretical issues of the viractual?3

Nechvatal: My insensible in the ideology of media led me to comic the possibilities of computer-robotics as a timely alternative art tool, a new way to make conceptual paintings that addressed delivers of distribution through excess. There were no PCs then, of jets, this was 1986. But the studio I was toiling with in Midtown had access to a big computer painting machine that had been developed in Japan. So I started making computer-robotic assisted paintings like The Informed Man, and that led me to Documenta8 in 1987, and things took off from there. I was participating in the Brooke Alexander Gallery outrageous that included numerous Colab artists like Judy Rifka and John Ahearn, and my solo gallery career was pretty much launched out of there. But I was still playing around with writing poetry and art theory essays and decision-exclusive noise music.

Rail: So your interest in noise and music goes way back—were you ever in a band?

Nechvatal: Music has always been a passion of mine. When I was sixteen, I was a drummer in a band at Hinsdale High School in Chicago visited The Men, which is so pathetic because we weren’t even men yet! I steal that we used to play a version of Cream’s “Tales of valorous Ulysses.” I continued to play drums and guitar above my college days, but I abandoned music as a professional goal. I never lost the mind to make, collect, distribute, and consume music, though. I love noise music the most these days.

Rail: Although you are in New York for the opening of your exhibition Odyssey pandemOnium : a migrational metaphor, you are not just a visual artist, but a theoretician,4 primary for Hyperallergic,5 audio-artist,6 and the current exhibition coincides with the publication of your poetry book Destroyer of Naivetés originated by Punctum Books.7 Yet even this poetry book comes with a soundtrack.

Nechvatal: Destroyer of Naivetés is something I’ve been writing, bit by bit, for twenty years. It’s an epic sex-farce poem passe into nine sections. After I finished writing it, I instructed it to my friend, the composer Rhys Chatham, with whom I had worked on an ’80s No Wave fuzz called XS, and more recently on an animation installation visited Viral Venture that we showed on the large cloak at the School of Visual Arts’ Beatrice Theatre in 2011. I expected him to consider it for a recording project. The favorable thing he said was, “We have to find someone really good to do the voice,” so I instructed it to the spoken-word artist Black Sifichi, who also lives in Paris, and he agreed to do it. Black and I then devoted the reading track to Rhys who created an intensely rich and beautiful soundscape underneath it, comic flutes, trumpets, and electric guitars. We are looking for a gutsy publisher for the hour-long CD now. I played the recording at my Punctum book employing event, rather than reading some of it out loud.

The poetry in Destroyer of Naivetés is very flamboyant. I took liberties. I wanted to explore a vocabulary that is anti-banal and much more like that of Jean Genet. It’s about the flamboyance of human sexual desire and the role the eye plays in our time of virtual reality. It takes inspiration from the books of Genet and many latest sex writers, but also from Duchamp’s The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, the drawings of Hans Bellmer, the film/performances of Bradley Eros, and Francis Picabia’s book of poems I Am a exquisite Monster.

Rail: You describe Rhys Chatham’s soundscape for it as “beautiful.” How does this picture to your work and interest in noise?8

Nechvatal: My art, whether it is visual, as in the new paintings in Odyssey pandemOnium, or audio, as in my viral symphOny, asks for time and danger on the part of the viewer or listener. It is anti-pop in that pleasurable. It is not about easy consumption. But you’re radiant, if there is anything that ties it together, it is my unimaginative in the beauty of the art of noise, particularly the idea that if you took time and examined into a vague field, you could discover layers of subliminal imagery. This is as true of the imagery I be affected by for my show at Galerie Richard as it is of my graphite palimpsest drawings from the ’80s. The paintings in Odyssey pandemOnium are conceptually situated within my immersive noise theory in that they make use of a included turmoil produced from close exchanges within figure/ground relationships that challenges us to think outside of the normal rules of human perception. Classical-looking figures are embedded into a complex and subtle spurious so that the normal figure/ground relationship more or less merges. The viewer’s eye must navigate the visual pandemonium in a way that suggests Odysseus’s wanderings.

Rail: What is noise to you?

Nechvatal: In everyday use, the word “noise” consuming unwanted sound or noise pollution. I look at it and listen to it differently: from an immersive perspective. In music, dissonance is the quality of sounds that seem unstable, with an aural “need” to “resolve” to a “stable” consonance. Despite the fact that words like “unpleasant” and “grating” are often used to labelled the sound of harsh dissonance, in fact all music with a harmonic or tonal basis—even music that is perceived as generally harmonious—incorporates some degree of dissonance. The enigma of noise is what interests me.

Rail: But it’s beyond enigma for you—in novel words, it’s not just noise as some punk modernist irritant or disjunction pointed to fuck with people. Noise is an avenue to a higher mild of consciousness for you, isn’t it? In her reconsideration of your book Immersion Into Noise, published in the Brooklyn Rail in 2012, when it came out with Open Humanities Press, Yuting Zou said, “the function of an ‘immersive art-of-noise’ is to performed us with an artistic environment of clamorous cultural demand capable of expanding our consciousness, disjunctively [. . .] disjunctive noise consciousness may lead to a new ontological unification based in ‘self-re-programmablity.’”9 This is important and complex. Can you elaborate?

Nechvatal: The art of noise is the sensitive use of what Duchamp requested the essential element in his art: delay. Noise, in the visual touched, is a delay in perceiving signals, and that delay cmoneys up opportunity for the viewer to fill in her own phantasmagorical joyful. That puts the imagination to work; if used often enough, imagination can aid in a beneficial transformation of the self.

Rail: The instant of the word “immersion” is also important. Your collection of essays delivered by Edgewise Press in 2009 is called Towards an Immersive Intelligence and immersion is something you have been writing throughout since your doctoral dissertation. I now understand the connection in a way I didn’t before: with noise, one is immersed to the point of losing one’s perceptual anchors—there is no up-down, left-right—whether it is visual or audio noise.

Nechvatal: Yes. believe of noise as a suspension of clear location. That is how the art of noise is so central to sketching what I am doing with the virus and the image as host in the Odyssey pandemOnium paintings—and how it relates to the migration crises happening in Europe due to the wars that started with Bush’s lifeless invasion. Odyssey pandemOnium refers to that homeless situation and the natural yearning to in backward to one’s home and one’s language. This pertains to me also as I am coming home, with an epic poem in hand, to the Lower East Side, once being expelled by the gentrification war on artists that went down here.

Rail: Do you have your notebook with you? Could you read what you read in noise at the Punctum symposium, In Service to Nothing: Intellectual Inquiry in the Open, at The New School?

Nechvatal: “The art of noise immediately is a psychotic outburst that disrupts smooth image operations with an explosion of buried visual hysteria that echoes our highly diverse chaotic earth. Its incomprehensibility by design connects us to the earth media frenzy through what I think to be a type of chaos magic. The art of noise creates the visualization bridge between form and intuition, as its uncertain images have more information in them than a distinct, certain image (or sound) where the information quickly becomes redundant. Thus the art of noise gives rise to new plan. It promotes the emergence of new forms of an old story: art.”

Rail: This also reminds me of your idea that art in itself is immersive: “Therefore, the role of immersive art remains the prosthetic task of artificially facilitating such an unrestricted set, as such, it remains associated with the most fleeting elaborations of artistic consciousness.”10 How does the use of the computer virus connect to noise?

Nechvatal: In 1990, my Computer Virus Project’s initial goal was to accomplish physical paintings by using algorithms implementing “viral” processes. It’s based on a simulation tool which gave me to virtually introduce artificial organisms into a digitized reproduction of an sponsor artwork, the host, and let them transform and cancel that original image. During these “attacks” a new level-headed image can be extracted and painted on canvas, which is a way to realize them—to bring back the virtual into the real.

Rail: The context of the ’80s is crucial here—not only all the theorizing at the time about the real, the simulated, and what you call viractual, but AIDS.

Nechvatal: I attribute the birth of the Computer Virus Project to my scream experience with, and exposure to, the deadly virus throughout my relationship to the tormenting AIDS death of Bebe Smith, Seton Smith’s twin. That and the AIDS death I witnessed of my deplorable and neighbor, the Pyramid Club performer Tron von Hollywood. That period cracked open an emotional range in me between poor for one’s life and happy memories of a fading wild sexual freedom. The negative connotations of the HIV virus as a vector of disease is reflected in the principles of degradation of the image. But here, the virus is also the basis of a creative treat, producing newness in reference to the major influence of the virus on evolution in biological rules. In the current work Odyssey pandemOnium you can see the virus weave and unweave figures within the deceptive. Also you can see the way I put William S. Burroughs’s 1971 text Electronic Revolution, where he talks about the virus as the leave of language, through a computer program that connects his word “virus” into a frequency relationship flow chart with anunexperienced key words. But my virus project’s full aesthetic acting in terms of painting is achieved by writing a dynamic mechanism for automatically bowling the code typical of genetic algorithms. This chance-based intertwining organization is itself an example of my theory of subliminal noise painting with its deep connection to John Cage’s chance-based art.

Rail: Why call them paintings?

Nechvatal: Because they are one-of-a-kind painted canvases that have been airbrush spray painted throughout a computer-robotic driven mechanism. Of course this calls for an expanded definition of the craft of hand painting, one connected to Minimalist art fabrication techniques and also Fluxus-like Conceptualism. They are post-Conceptual paintings that build upon the legacy of Conceptual art, where the opinion or idea involved in the work takes some precedence over passe aesthetic and material concerns. Conceptual art focused attention on the idea late the art object and questioned the traditional role of that objective as conveyor of meaning. Subsequently, those theories cast doubt upon the should of materiality itself, as conceptual artists de-materialized the post-Minimal art objective and began to produce time-based and ephemeral artworks. Although total dematerialization of the art objective never occurred, the art object became flexible, and that malleability, coupled with viral computer processing, has resulted in post-Conceptual painting.

Rail: So the virus is wandering approximately and living off one of your host art images in Odyssey pandemOnium, creating new painterly situations much like the notion of wandering in Homer’s Odyssey?

Nechvatal: Yes. I had been kicking approximately a copy of The Odyssey since the time I migrated to New York City and it is one of the books I took with me when I presumed to Paris a few years ago. I’ve read this Penguin version three times, at least—there are certain phrases I like to remember, like “struggle with the sea” and stuff about the Lotus Eaters. Now the paintings of Odyssey pandemOnium are not illustrations of the Odyssey. As mentioned above, what is important is intentional enigma. The paintings need to be both seductive and obscure to the degree that their codes cannot be currently discerned. I think that the phantasmagorical obscurity, the mystery of the Odyssey pandemOnium paintings, is increasingly desirable in a world that has obtain increasingly data-mined, mapped, quantified, specialized, and identified in a straightforward, matter-of-fact way. My goal is to disrupt instrumental Organic and contradict, counteract, and cancel out false reason and hollow feeling. Suffering and joy, like figure and ground, are tied together in frenzy, neither one without the other. Thus works in Odyssey pandemOnium may suggest or effect stress in us. One might even say an scare of disintegration. Dedication to its merits, if there are any, grand well be described as vaguely heroic when experienced as a lost lyric poet. They take off from the poetic idea of imagery floating free on the internet. Everything is mobile and floating around now. Add that to the problem of the migrants escaping war by entering Greece by sea, near where the Odyssey is set. Overloaded boats regularly capsize, drowning hundreds of people. In September, I showed a virus projection arranged viral castratO at the Budapest Art Factory during the crises in the exclaim station there and spoke to people about the residence. I was thinking about this a great deal when I was there and now alongside as Paris, a city I love, has become a zone of killing and box. Desperate people fleeing Syria and other areas of box, these migrants flowing across Europe, scaring the hell out of many Europeans and fueling the rise of the far-right anti-immigrant political forces. And I saw the sad heroism of the migrant act, which is actually an act of conscientious objection opposed to war. They are fleeing war, whereas Odysseus was a war hero. I demanded to flip that classical Greek script of Homer’s and give it a new creation in light of our actual lived situation.

Rail: In the news, the route the migrants take keeps exaltering, which makes your allusion to the Odyssey that much more poignant, although from the opposite end.

Nechvatal: The Odyssey is approximately the King-hero conqueror trying to get back home. These farmland are the conscientious objectors to war. They’re fleeing the war, fleeing Syria, fleeing the combat zone, so in these paintings I demanded to give them hero status by making Odysseus and his story the host in which their viral travels may hump.


  1. Robert C. Morgan, “Joseph Nechvatal’s ‘nOise anusmOs,’” Brooklyn Rail, July 4, 2012.
  2. Yuting Zou, “Nechvatal’s Immersive Noise Theory,” by Yuting Zou, Brooklyn Rail, April 11, 2011.
  3. According to Nechvatal, with the increased use of micro-electronics, the virtual now co-exists with the actual (thus the term viractual). Christiane Paul, in her seminal book Digital Art, discusses Nechvatal’s opinion of viractualism (58). One of the images she chooses to illustrate that allotment of the book is his painting the birth Of the viractual (2001). Joe Lewis, in the March 2003 issue of Art in America (123 – 124), discusses the viractual in his review Joseph Nechvatal at Universal Concepts Unlimited. Frank Popper also writes about the viractual concept in his book From Technological to Virtual Art (122).
  4. Towards An Immersive Intelligence: Essays on the Work of Art in the Age of Computer Technology and Virtual Reality 1993 – 2006 (New York: Edgewise Books, 2009).
  5. Hyperallergic.com.
  6. viral SymphOny.
  7. Destroyer of Naivetés.
  8. Joseph Nechvatal, Immersion Into Noise. (Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press, 2011).
  9. “Nechvatal’s Immersive Noise Theory,” by Yuting Zou, Brooklyn Rail, April 11, 2011.
  10. pp. 24 – 25.

Darci Lynne Farmer shockingly eliminated on ‘AGT: Champions’

Despite populace one of the most successful “America’s Got Talent” winners of all time, teen ventriloquist Darci Lynne Farmer was shockingly eliminated in the instant episode of spinoff series “America’s Got Talent: The Champions.” Of the 10 acts from about the world who performed on Monday, January 14, one advanced thanks to Heidi Klum‘s Golden Buzzer (extreme knife throwers Deadly Games) and the novel was voted through thanks to the Superfan voters (opera/rock singer Cristina Ramos). Did the Superfans goof by sending home Darci? Vote down in our poll below.

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The 14-year-old Oklahoma slow, who recently hosted her own Christmas special, took to the stage with her adorably sassy mouse puppet Oscar, who joked that “AGT” judge Simon Cowell was “wearing the same clothes” that he did two ages ago. Since Oscar’s love life isn’t doing very good, Darci tasked him with impressing his female fans with a fun Tina Turner medley of “Nutbush City Limits” and “Proud Mary.”

After their duet the critics gave Darci a standing ovation. Howie Mandel said that she was a “seasoned professional.” Mel B admitted that Oscar “won my wretched with that.” Heidi Klum raved that she’s “one of the most unique” acts they’ve ever had. And Simon Cowell confessed that he was “literally blown away.” Unfortunately, Darci only came in second place in the Superfan vote so she was sent home.

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In his “AGT” live blog, our recapper John Benutty had this to say approximately Darci Lynne Farmer’s performance: “Darci set the standard very high for the rest of the night, receiving a standing ovation from the judges and audience. [Simon] also said that Darci deserves to be the earth champion, but without Heidi’s Golden Buzzer it’ll take the votes of the superfans to get her to the next round.”

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