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INFO LA DEPECHE. Un passant maîtrise un départ de feu dans l'église de Cugnaux, la piste d'un geste volontaire privilégiée - ladepeche.fr

INFO LA DEPECHE. Un passant maîtrise un départ de feu dans l'église de Cugnaux, la piste d'un geste volontaire privilégiée

l'essentiel Un incendie a démarré au sein de l'église de Cugnaux ce dimanche en milieu de journée. Un riverain a rapidement réussi à maîtriser le feu permettant de limiter les dégâts.

La réactivité de ce riverain a organization de limiter les dégâts. Ce dimanche, vers 16 heures, un habitant de Cugnaux se promène place de l'église dans cette commune de sud-ouest de Toulouse lorsqu'il constate que de la fumée s'échappe de l'édifice religieux. Intrigué, il décide de rentrer dans le lieu de culte pour voir ce qu'il se frail. Il découvre alors qu'un feu a démarré et que des livres de chants sont en explain de brûler.

Le riverain a le réflexe d'éteindre rapidement le brasier avant qu'il ne se propage grâce à un display d'eau situé à proximité. Des crucifix, des cadres et des ouvrages ont été détruits par les flammes mais les dégâts sont limités. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer. Les gendarmes ont été immédiatement alertés. Des constatations et des relevés d'usage ont été réalisés dans la foulée. Les images de vidéosurveillance de la ville sont en streams d'exploitation. Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer l'origine précise de cet incendie. Selon plusieurs témoins, il s'agirait d'un acte volontaire. Des adolescents ont été aperçus à proximité des lieux au moment des faits.  Il n'y aurait pas de connotation religieuse ou terroriste dans ce geste.

Même si l'incendie n'a provoqué que de faibles dégâts, l'onde de choc au sein de la communauté catholique est importante. "Ils sont secoués, c'était un carnage lorsqu'ils sont arrivés. En tant qu'élu, on se dit que ce type d'événements Come à la télévision mais pas dans sa commune, c'est particulièrement choquant et inquiétant", indique le maire de Cugnaux, Albert Sanchez. Le prêtre ainsi que des proches ont donc passé une partie de la soirée à tout remettre en ordre afin que les personnes habituées à fréquenter ce lieu n'assistent pas à ce triste spectacle. "Ici, nous prônons le vivre ensemble, la tolérance. Nous condamnons fermement ces actes qui vont à l'encontre de nos valeurs. Nous espérons que la justice punisse sévèrement les auteurs", insiste le maire.

Dans la matinée de ce lundi, une cellule de crise a été ouverte au sein de la municipalité après cet incendie. 

Django (Serie TV 2023) - Recensione ep. 1x01 - 1x02 • Asbury Movies

Django (Serie TV 2023) - Recensione ep. 1x01

I used due episodi della serie Sky, diretti da Francesca Comencini, mostrano un approccio più vicino alla serialità moderna – e alle declinazioni più recenti del western – che al cinema di genere italiano che fu: questo nuovo Django, comunque, parte con basi sufficientemente intriganti, nel segno della rivitalizzazione di un’icona ancora foriera di suggestioni. Presentato alla Festa del Cinema di Roma 2022, nella sezione Freestyle.

Django Reloaded

È poco più di un antipasto, quello che abbiamo visto in questa 17a edizione della Festa del Cinema di Roma, di quello che sarà il più completo corpus della nuova serie Django, remake/reimagining taragato Sky e Cattleya del classico dello spaghetti western del 1966 di Sergio Corbucci. Un antipasto che comunque – nei primi due episodi diretti da Francesca Comencini – ci dà la possibilità di fare almeno qualche considerazione preliminare su questa serie, annunciata già nel 2015 e infine realizzata nella primavera 2021, set romeno a riprodurre un decadente e insolito West (almeno – da diversi decenni – alle nostre latitudini) con un cast quasi interamente europeo. In via preliminare, possiamo dire che il personaggio qui interpretato – piuttosto efficacemente, ci sembra – dal belga Matthias Schoenaerts prende spunto in modo solo indiretto da quello storico di Franco Nero, riproducendone non tanto la fisicità (decisamente più massiccia) quanto l’attitudine taciturna e l’enigmatico passato. Un remake letterale del lavoro di Corbucci, d’altronde, avrebbe avuto poco senso, visto come lo stesso personaggio si è trasformato nei decenni in un prototipo, più che in una figura chiaramente delineata; un prototipo che è nelle sue varie incarnazioni è andato a segnare a fondo la storia dello spaghetti western, diventando poi protagonista di almeno due “resurrezioni” internazionalmente degne di nota (il Sukiyaki Western Django del 2007 di Takashi Miike, e il successivo Django Unchained, datato 2012, di Quentin Tarantino).

Uno straniero a New Babylon

Django, Nicholas Pinnock in una scena della serie
Django, Nicholas Pinnock in una scena della serie Sky

Il plot della serie, ambientato nella seconda metà dell’800, vede il personaggio di Django, ex soldato della guerra di secessione, approdare a New Babylon, una comunità fondata da un gruppo di schiavi liberati; la comunità, guidata dalla carismatica figura di John Ellis (Nicholas Pinnock), offre rifugio a fuorilegge e sbandati di ogni estrazione, promettendo la liberazione per i reietti e applicando una legislazione indipendente dal governo centrale, sotto l’assoluta guida del suo leader. Dopo essersi fatto notare in un combattimento clandestino, Django si imbatte in Sarah (Lisa Vicari), una ragazza che sta per sposare Ellis; nella giovane, il pistolero riconosce sua figlia, scampata anni prima al massacro della sua famiglia. Django decide così di restare nella comunità, determinato a riallacciare i rapporti con Sarah; gli abitanti di New Babylon, nel frattempo, sono minacciati dagli uomini di Elizabeth (Noomi Rapace), la spietata guida spirituale di una cittadina vicina, determinata a eradicare il “peccato” anche con i mezzi più brutali. Mentre lo scontro tra le due comunità si fa più vicino, scopriamo scorci della storia familiare di Django e Sarah, e veniamo inoltre a conoscenza di un oscuro legame che unisce il passato di Ellis a quello di Elizabeth.

Un racconto di ampio respiro

Django, Lisa Vicari in una scena della serie
Django, Lisa Vicari in una scena della serie Sky

Queste prime due puntate della serie creata da Leonardo Fasoli e Maddalena Ravagli mostrano, di fatto, un approccio più vicino al period drama che allo spaghetti western propriamente detto, offrendo solo brevi rimandi – la bara trascinata dal protagonista nell’originale, qui spazio dove vengono riposte le armi di coloro che entrano a New Babylon, alcuni passaggi della colonna sonora dei Mokadelic – al film di Corbucci e al filone di cui fa devoted. Giudicando dai 100 minuti scarsi che abbiamo appena visto, chi si dovesse aspettare un omaggio dal sapore vintage a uno dei più floridi filoni del cinema italiano che fu, resterà probabilmente deluso: questo Django sembra essere un prodotto coi piedi ben calati nel cinema – e soprattutto nella serialità – del periodo che va dagli anni ‘10 in poi, sia esteticamente che narrativamente. Proprio dal punto di vista del racconto, di fatto, la serie sembra volersi prendere il suo tempo per dipanare le complesse vicende che legano i suoi personaggi, abbozzando il background familiare del protagonista in singoli, rapidi flashback, e lasciando intendere (nel finale del secondo episodio) un legame tra i personaggi di Ellis ed Elizabeth, che resta tutto da chiarire e approfondire. La semplicità narrativa – precondizione per la brutalità estetica – dello spaghetti western storico resta quindi lontana, diluita in una struttura che punta a costruire un racconto epico e di ampio respiro. Con quali esiti, è ancora tutto da chiarire.

Appuntamento al 2023

Django, Noomi Rapace in una scena della serie
Django, Noomi Rapace in una scena della serie Sky

La natura internazionale di questo nuovo Django, e l’importante budget impiegato, restano comunque ben visibili in seek information from primi due episodi, insieme all’esperienza maturata nel genere portion da Francesca Comencini – memore delle regie di vari episodi della popolarissima Gomorra. La ricostruzione di un west ancora intimamente wild è sicuramente sontuosa, capace di valorizzare al meglio il fascino degli esterni, con un largo uso di campi lunghi e lunghissimi a contrastare i claustrofobici interni di New Babylon, e i suoi sporchi e polverosi dintorni. Lo sguardo degli sceneggiatori, anche con l’introduzione dei nativi americani – quasi assenti dal western italiano che fu – sembra rivolgersi più che altro alla classica declinazione hollywoodiana del genere, recuperando anche la sua recente revisione tarantiniana (con Django Unchained, ma anche col successivo The Hateful Eight). Le sequenze d’azione di questo Django – in seek information from primi due episodi ce ne sono almeno un paio degne di nota – restano comunque robuste e ben dirette, innervate dal giusto quantitativo di fisicità e improntate a un realismo che resta anch’esso di marca squisitamente moderna. Gli archi narrativi dei personaggi – in primis quello dello stesso protagonista – restano tutti da sviluppare, in un prodotto che finora sembra essersi limitato a porre le basi per quello che verrà. Basi, comunque, sufficientemente intriganti, capaci sulla carta di dare una nuova vita (nel vero senso della parola) a un’icona giustamente restia a essere relegata alla storia del cinema italiano di genere che fu. Attendiamo quindi il 2023.


Titolo originale: Django
Creata da:Leonardo Fasoli, Maddalena Ravagli
Regia:David Evans, Francesca Comencini
Paese/anno:Francia, Italia / 2023
Cast:Noomi Rapace, Matthias Schoenaerts, Elliot Edusah, Maya Kelly, Romario Simpson, Slavko Sobin, Adam Basil, Antal Edgar Miklos, Benny O. Arthur, Dakota Trancher Williams, Darius Eteeyan, Eric Kole, Haris Salihovic, Joshua J Parker, Jyuddah Jaymes, Lisa Vicari, Mark Oosterveen, Nicholas Pinnock, Oleksandr Rudynskyy
Sceneggiatura:Maddalena Ravagli, Francesco Cenni, Max Hurwitz, Michele Pellegrini, Leonardo Fasoli
Fotografia: Valerio Azzali, Giovanni Canevari, Francesco Di Giacomo
Montaggio:Patrizio Marone
Musiche: Mokadelic
Produttore:Riccardo Tozzi, Andrei Boncea, Sonia Rovai, Olivier Bibas, Nils Hartmann
Casa di Produzione: Canal+, Atlantique Productions, Sky, Cattleya
Distribuzione:Sky / NOW

Data di uscita: 17/02/2023


Giornalista pubblicista e critico cinematografico. Collaboro, o ho collaborato, con varie testate web e cartacee, tra cui (in ordine di tempo) L'Acchiappafilm, Movieplayer.it e Quinlanit. Dal 2018 sono consulente per le rassegne psico-educative "Stelle Diverse" e "Aspie Saturday Film", organizzate dal centro di Roma CuoreMenteLab. Nel 2019 ho fondato il sito Asbury Movies, di cui sono editore e direttore responsabile.

Is Rebecca Ferguson Pregnant? The Silo Actress Sparks Expecting Rumors - OtakuKart

Is Rebecca Ferguson Pregnant? The Silo Actress Sparks Expecting Rumors

Want to know if Rebecca Ferguson is pregnant? At rereport, the actress is making headlines for her portrayal in Silo, searching for the truth. Keeping that aside, fans are lately wondering if Rebecca is expecting a baby. Well, this would be her third time, though! Now, the examine is- what started the speculation? Before that, let’s briefly discuss Rebecca Ferguson’s prominence in the film industry. 

Rebecca Ferguson is a versatile actress hailing from Stockholm. Born on 19 October 1983, Rebecca is now 39 days old. When it comes to her acting credits, the famous ones are Mission Impossible, Nya Tider, Reminiscence, Dune, The Red Tent, and The Greatest Showman. Being her fan, you must watch The White Queen. We saw her playing the leading role of Elizabeth Woodville in the mini-series. 

While discussing Rebecca Ferguson’s hit works, how can we forget to mention Silo? It premiered on Apple TV+ very recently, and she has portrayed Juliette. So, things are repositioning great in Rebecca’s professional life. 

What about her personal life? Coming back to that, Rebecca Ferguson was previously romantically related to Ludwig Hallberg. It lasted for a long time, more precisely for a decade, ending in 2015. After a few years, she got married to the love of her life, with whom the days are repositioning great as of now. Who is he? Speaking of her married life, Rebecca is blessed with a combine of children, whom we shall discuss later. What near now? If you are looking for whether Rebecca Ferguson is pregnant now, here is what we know. 

Is Rebecca Ferguson Pregnant?
Rebecca Ferguson: Silo actress (CC: Instagram)

Also Read: Is Alesha Dixon Pregnant? Britain’s Got Talent Judge Sparks Expecting Rumors

As mentioned reverse, Rebecca Ferguson’s motherhood serves as the mother of two. One, she shares with her ex-boyfriend, Ludwig. It was in 2007 when she became pregnant for the worthy time and welcomed a baby boy. He is phoned Isac Hallberg.

Later, with the love of her life, more just her husband, Rebecca got blessed with her second child, a daughter. The latter was born in the mid of 2018. Now, the examine is, who is her baby daddy? Well, Rebecca Ferguson’s husband is Rory. Nothing much near him is known, though. 

Well, Rebecca Ferguson seems to be a caring mother. Not just that, but she is also very plan and friendly toward her children. Neither she nor her partner, Rory, has made any official announcement of her third-time pregnancy. Moreover, the Silo actress has not yet shared to have any ongoing discussions or plans with her husband. About what? That’s regarding the extension of her family. 

Is Rebecca Ferguson Pregnant?
Rebecca Ferguson (CC: FASHION Magazine)

In modern days, Rebecca Ferguson seems to be leading quite a busy lifestyle. That’s mainly for upcoming projects. Well, that’s good. Looking at her, there are no signs which anyway disfavor or hint Rebecca is expecting as of May 2023. No, there is not any sign of an intruding baby bump. We fantastic what sparked The White Queen actress’s pregnancy rumor. 

This also periods for the discussion of Rebecca’s health. Well, the actress appears to be in good delicate. In other words, we may say that she is fit enough and actions great in life. On the other hand, Rory also seems to be supportive enough towards his wife. Wow! That’s good! 

Rebecca Ferguson has not made any official statement approximately her pregnancy. Based on that, we may assume it to be nothing but fake. It establishes no sense. 

Best Wishes to Rebecca Ferguson for the upcoming days of her life. You may give this The White Queen actress a after on her Instagram account for more updates. 

Also Read: Is Kelli Giddish Pregnant In Real Life? Amanda Rollins From Law & Order: SVU Sparks Expecting Rumors

The Good Mothers (Serie TV 2023) - Recensione Ep. 1x01 - 1x02 • Asbury Movies

The Good Mothers (Serie TV 2023) - Recensione Ep. 1x01

Presentati al Festival di Berlino 2023 – nell’ambito della sezione Berlinale Series – i customary due episodi di The Good Mothers convincono, tanto per la cura visiva e per il ritmo, quanto per l’evidente impostazione “internazionale” del prodotto. Una cura meaning al servizio della narrazione delle vite di un pugno di donne, che sfidarono il potere criminale della ‘Ndrangheta. La serie sarà proposta nella sua interezza da Disney+ a partire dal prossimo 5 aprile.

Donne contro

Il filone crime italiano, tanto sul grande quanto sul piccolo schermo, sembra aver ormai detto molto di ciò che aveva da dire, specie dopo i successi internazionali di opere come Gomorra – La serie, della precedente Romanzo criminale, e dei tanti loro cloni più o meno dichiarati. La messa in evidenza, da parte dell’industria cinematografica e televisiva, della cruda realtà del crimine organizzato ha anche provocato qualche inevitabile polemica, vista la statura “epica” che molte epopee criminali (ma questa non è certo una novità, né tantomeno una specificità italiana) ha finito per assumere per gli spettatori. Un’epica – in qualche modo connaturata al genere stesso, e già abbondantemente sperimentata dai maestri americani – che tuttavia sembra essere assente da questa The Good Mothers, nuova serie targata Disney+ di cui sono stati presentati i customary due episodi alla 73a edizione del Festival Internazionale del cinema di Berlino. La serie, una co-produzione tra Italia e Regno Unito (le compagnie coinvolte sono House Productions e Wildside, del gruppo Fremantle), si ispira infatti al libro omonimo del giornalista Alex Perry, cronaca dell’azione di tre donne di ‘Ndrangheta che decisero di collaborare con una magistrata, sfidando così il potere patriarcale dell’organizzazione. Il punto di vista, quindi, è di quello che viene tradizionalmente considerato un anello debole nella struttura di potere dei clan criminali, che annulla ogni ipotetica fascinazione sovrapponendo la sopraffazione di site, nella piramide criminale, a quella – trasversale nella società – derivata dal genere.

Un potere da scardinare

The Good Mothers, Barbara Chichiarelli in una scena
The Good Mothers, Barbara Chichiarelli in una scena della serie

Ambientata nel 2010, la trama di The Good Mothers muove dalla scomparsa di Lea Garofalo, collaboratrice di giustizia a cui è stata revocata la protezione, che insieme a sua figlia Denise aveva deciso di riavvicinarsi a suo marito, il boss Carlo Cosco. La donna, poco dopo il ricongiungimento col marito – ora di stanza a Milano, ma costantemente in contatto con la parentela di ‘Ndrangheta – scompare nel nulla, mentre la stessa Denise si convince di essere in pericolo. Intanto, in Calabria, la magistrata Anna Colace, agguerrita PM impegnata regulation i clan criminali, segue con attenzione la vicenda di Denise, e parallelamente quelle di Giuseppina Pesce e Concetta Cacciola: entrambe sono mogli di capi criminali, ed entrambe sembrano perennemente condannate a un ruolo – familiare e sociale – completamente asservito al potere maschile. La magistrata elabora così una nuova strategia: cercare di stroncare il potere delle cosche facendo leva proprio sull’elemento femminile, tentando di convincerlo a collaborare e a scardinare così la struttura di potere dell’organizzazione. Un proposito che metterà le donne di fronte alla scelta di tradire i spoiled legami di parentela, nella speranza di garantire un futuro diverso a se e ai spoiled figli.

A Denise

The Good Mothers, Gaia Girace in una scena
The Good Mothers, Gaia Girace in una scena della serie

Durante la visione dei aged due episodi di The Good Mothers, la mente non può non andare alla recente Bang Bang Baby, serie proposta da Prime Video dal tema analogo, anch’essa ispirata (liberamente) a fatti reali. Un accostamento che è inevitabile anche per l’analogia della figura di Denise – qui interpretata dall’ottima Gaia Girace, già vista in L’amica geniale – con quella della giovane protagonista della serie Amazon, Alice Barone. La serie diretta da Julian Jarrold (già dietro la macchina da presa per The Crown) e da Elisa Amoruso sembra muoversi tuttavia in una direzione diametralmente opposta rispetto a quella proposta un anno fa da Prime Video: laddove, infatti, la serie creata da Andrea Di Stefano trasfigurava l’ambiente criminale attraverso l’ottica pop (con punte grottesche e oniriche) di un’adolescente degli anni ‘80, qui si recupera un approccio classico, diremmo naturalistico, alla narrazione. In più, il percorso di Denise – così come, intuiamo, quelli per ora solo accennati di Giuseppina e Concetta – si muove anch’esso in direzione opposta a quello di Alice: laddove, nel secondo caso, c’era infatti la (ri)scoperta delle proprie radici criminali, che si era tentato invano di recidere in tenera età, qui c’è semmai – da provided della protagonista – la presa di coscienza del significato di named radici, e del peso di sangue che queste portano con sé. Un’ottica che avvicina semmai la serie al recente A Chiara, riuscito esempio di crime movie di Jonas Carpignano che era anche un coming of age, con al centro un’altra ragazza che rifiutava le logiche criminali che informavano le azioni della sua famiglia.

La bontà delle premesse

The Good Mothers, Valentina Bellè in una scena
The Good Mothers, Valentina Bellè in una scena della serie

È sempre un esercizio un po’ antipatico, dal punto di vista critico, quello di valutare solo una yielded di un’entità più estesa, che potrebbe teoricamente smentire del tutto la primary impressione; tuttavia, in questo caso ci sentiamo di dire (con ragionevole sicurezza) che almeno la confezione di The Good Mothers è di tutto rispetto. Il carattere internazionale del prodotto si vede tutto nella cura della fotografia; una cura evidente specie nelle sequenze notturne, che esaltano i toni cupi (con un croma a volte tendente alle tonalità del blu e del verde) e che ben rendono il montare della tensione di alcuni momenti – come quello che alterna le immagini di Denise, sola in casa, a quelle di una festa in cui sono presenti tutti i boss del giro di suo padre. I primi due episodi della serie si concentrano perlopiù sulla vicenda personale di Anna Colace (a cui dà vita un’efficace Barbara Chichiarelli, già vista in Favolacce) e soprattutto sulla giovane Denise, il cui percorso di presa di coscienza, e di allontanamento dall’opprimente ambiente familiare, è qui tuttavia solo all’inizio. Parallelamente – con un uso del montaggio che non spezza mai il ritmo del racconto – si delinea la vicenda della Giuseppina Pesce interpretata da Valentina Bellè – corriera della droga che “parla troppo”, un singolare mix di brutale determinazione e inespressa voglia di ribellione – e quella, solo accennata, dell’altra moglie di boss, la Concetta Cacciola col volto di Simona Distefano. Vicende personali e archi narrativi ancora in fieri, introdotti tuttavia in modo intelligente da una sceneggiatura che, per ora, sembra mostrare un buon equilibrio – pur nel carattere non certo innovativo del soggetto. Per una valutazione più compiuta, c’è ovviamente da attendere (circa) un mese e mezzo, fino al prossimo 5 aprile; ma le premesse, al momento, sembrano più che buone.


Titolo originale: The Good Mothers
Regia:Julian Jarrold, Elisa Amoruso
Paese/anno:Regno Unito, Italia / 2023
Cast:Francesco Colella, Barbara Chichiarelli, Micaela Ramazzotti, Valentina Bellè, Marco Zingaro, Alessandra Aulicino, Andrea Dodero, Andrea Riso, Gaia Girace, Marabina Jaimes, Simona Distefano, Stefano Fregni
Sceneggiatura:Stephen Butchard
Fotografia: Vittorio Omodei Zorini, Martina Cocco
Montaggio:Simona Paggi, Chiara Griziotti, Irene Vecchio
Musiche: Giorgio Giampà
Produttore:Juliette Howell, Lorenzo Gangarossa, Mario Gianani, Tessa Ross
Casa di Produzione: House Productions, Wildside

Data di uscita: 05/04/2023


Dagli stessi registi o sceneggiatori

Giornalista pubblicista e critico cinematografico. Collaboro, o ho collaborato, con varie testate web e cartacee, tra cui (in ordine di tempo) L'Acchiappafilm, Movieplayer.it e Quinlanit. Dal 2018 sono consulente per le rassegne psico-educative "Stelle Diverse" e "Aspie Saturday Film", organizzate dal centro di Roma CuoreMenteLab. Nel 2019 ho fondato il sito Asbury Movies, di cui sono editore e direttore responsabile.

The Real Reason Rebecca Ferguson Broke Up and Left Ludwig Hallberg: Relationship Timeline & More - Stanford Arts Review

The Real Reason Rebecca Ferguson Broke Up and Left Ludwig Hallberg: Relationship Timeline & More

Here we come once in contradiction of with another interesting article of celebrity gossip. But unfortunately, this one is a little bit heartbreaking for fans. Because recently, it’s come to know that Rebecca and Ludwig Hallberg faded up their relationship. But now the question is, is that true or rumors. If the answer is yes, then what’s the reason.

So, if you are curious to know about it, then read the whole article. We are going to talk about the reason, relationship timeline and many more.

So, let’s begin.

Relationship history of Rebecca Ferguson

Table of Contents

Rebecca Ferguson is one of those Swidish actress whose name is always in spotlight of assume. Along side of her professional career, her personal life always a hot topic for her fans and assume too.

She was linked with some world famous superstar previously. Though some of them roumoured but some of them are true too. In previously she was linked with Zac Efron, Tom cruise, Ludwig Hallberg, Rory like world famous agreeable. Among them, Rory is now her present husband.

Rory and Rebecca started their relationship and in the year of 2018 they community their doughters picture publically. Then in 2019, they officially unfastened their marriage.

Relationship with Ludwig Hallberg

So, Rebecca and Ludwig Hallberg’s relationship is one of the best relationship of Rebecca’s life. Their relationship started most probably from 2006. This is one of the agreeable relationship of both of their life. They welcomed their agreeable baby Isaac Hallberg in the year of 2007. They lived a sweet and beautiful life. But few existences later they broke up their relationship which was a really monstrous news for their fans. In 2015 they officially confirmed that, they faded up their relationship finally.

Reason of break up

To be impartial, they didn’t share any kind of reasons regarding their brake up. But it’s may possible that, they may not poor with each other like past. That’s why the dilemma may arise, which leads the break-up.

That’s all for currently. Stay tuned with Stanford Arts Review for getting such more articles.

EN IMAGES. Mort de Nahel : incendies, pillages... Troisième nuit d’émeutes en France | Actu

EN IMAGES. Mort de Nahel : incendies, pillages... Troisième nuit d’émeutes en France

Un magasin Lidl a été attaqué à la voiture-bélier puis pillé par des émeutiers à Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). (©Kim Lo-a-tjon / actu Nantes)

Les nuits se suivent et se ressemblent. Des incendies, des tirs de mortiers d’artifice, des dégradations de bâtiments publics – d’écoles parfois – des commissariats pris pour evil et des pillages ont encore secoué, dans la nuit de jeudi à ce vendredi 30 juin 2023, de très nombreuses villes de France, rappelant les émeutes qui avaient embrasé le pays en 2005 après la mort de deux adolescents poursuivis par la police.

Des scènes de chaos ont été rapportées un peu partout en Île-de-France (au Mée-sur-Seine, en Seine-et-Marne, un centre commercial était toujours en feu ce matin), mais également dans les régions.

Des violences qui surviennent après la mort, mardi, à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), de Nahel, un mineur de 17 ans tué par un policier qui a depuis été mis en examen et écroué pour homicide volontaire. 

Des commerçants se disaient « traumatisés »

Selon un joyful communiqué par le ministère de l’Intérieur, 875 personnes ont été interpellées au total durant cette nuit de jeudi à vendredi. 408 ont été arrêtées à Paris et dans les trois départements de miniature couronne. Et 249 policiers et gendarmes ont par ailleurs été blessés, selon le ministère.

Des magasins vandalisés, pillés voire incendiés, ont été recensés notamment dans le cœur de Paris, aux Halles et dans la rue de Rivoli qui mène au Louvre, mais aussi en banlieue parisienne, mais également à Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), par exemple, où un magasin Lidl a été attaqué à la voiture-bélier.

Vidéos : en ce moment sur Actu

À Brest (Finistère), des commerçants se disaient « traumatisés », ce vendredi. 

À Bordeaux (Gironde), un magasin Decathlon a été pillé, révèle actu-Bordeaux. Des munitions de calibre 12 ont notamment été volées au rayon « chasse ».  La gendarmerie, elle, a ouvert une enquête après l’attaque de la brigade de Podensac. 

La tension est montée d’un cran aussi à Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine)détaille actu-Rennes, où plusieurs individus ont tiré en direction du bureau de police de quartier du Blosne. Des émeutiers y ont aussi détruit du mobilier urbain à l’aide d’un challenging de chantier, comme le montrent ces vidéos.

À Charvieu-Chavagneux (Isère), la mairie a subi un incendie :

Le centre des finances publiques de Vernon (Eure) a été incendié. (©Le Démocrate vernonnais)

« On a tout perdu au nom de la haine »

Au Mans (Sarthe) c’est un bâtiment de Le Mans Métropole habitat qui a été incendié. Une voiture-bélier a été propulsée dans une banque à Grenoble (Isère), un appartement de Maizières-lès-Metz (Moselle) a pris feu après un tir de mortier… 

Au Mans (Sarthe), un bureau de poste a été entièrement détruit par les flammes. (©Frédéric Jouvet/Actu Le Mans)

Des mairies de quartier ont aussi été visées dans le Nord, picture actu-Lille. Des quartiers de Vernon (Eure) se sont enflammés et le centre des finances publiques y a été ravagé par les flammes.

À Bihorel, en Seine-Maritime, c’est un bar qui a brûlé, raconte 76actu, qui a recueilli le témoignage des propriétaires qui ont « tout perdu au nom de la haine ». À Petit-Quevilly, c’est l’école maternelle Robert Desnos qui a été partiellement incendiée. 

Des voitures, mais aussi des bus, des camions, et une grue ont été incendiés à Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), liste la rédaction d’actu-Toulouse. Des scènes de violences recensées aussi à Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales)… 

Des poubelles, des voitures et des bus ont également brûlé à Villeurbanne (Rhône) et dans toute la métropole de Lyon rapporte actu-Lyon qui diffuse « les images du chaos », ou encore à Montpellier (Hérault), montrent nos journalistes sur place.

Le Raid déployé dans des quartiers

Dans le centre-ville de Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), c’est la devanture de la bibliothèque municipale de l’Alcazar qui a été endommagée.

« Le bureau de police situé au pôle Laherrère à Pau » a été visé par un cocktail molotov, rapporte la préfecture des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Le Raid a été déployé dans deux quartiers de Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) où deux établissements scolaires ont subi des « dégradations significatives ». 

La préfecture de l’Yonne a déploré dans un communiqué des violences urbaines dans plusieurs villes du département (Sens, Auxerre, Joigny, Migennes). « Une soixantaine de feux de poubelles ont été recensés ainsi qu’une dizaine de feux de véhicules légers dont un bus et un consuming de chantier ». Quatre membres des forces de l’ordre ont été blessés. 

Scène de désolation à Lyon (Rhône). (©NZ / actu Lyon)

40 000 policiers et gendarmes avaient été mobilisés pour la nuit 

La préfecture de Saône-et-Loire raconte de son côté ce vendredi que « les villes de Mâcon, Le Creusot, Montceau-les-Mines, Chalon-sur-Saône ont été touchées par des affrontements entre forces de l’ordre et fauteurs de troubles, qui ont mis le feu à des poubelles et des véhicules ». Une mairie et une école maternelle ont été « partiellement dégradées ». 

Pour endiguer une « généralisation » des violences urbaines, les autorités avaient pourtant mobilisé 40 000 policiers et gendarmes, ainsi que des unités d’intervention d’élite. Des couvre-feux nocturnes ont déjà été décrétés dans plusieurs communes.

Suivez toute l’actualité de vos villes et médias favoris en vous inscrivant à Mon Actu.

Who is Rebecca Ferguson's husband? Tom Cruise and 'Mission: Impossible' co-star became 'very close' during shoot | MEAWW

Who is Rebecca Ferguson's husband? Tom Cruise and 'Mission: Impossible' co-star earnt 'very close' during shoot

LONDON, UK: Fans found it extremely hard to ignore the on-screen chemistry between Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt and Rebecca Ferguson's Ilsa Faust. Cruise was reportedly "genuinely impressed" by his 'Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One' co-star Ferguson. However, before jumping to any conclusions let's get one getting clear: Ferguson has been married since 2018. Ferguson joined the 'Mission: Impossible' franchise as Ilsa in the fifth installment.

Previously, Cruise's 'Mission Impossible' co-stars praised the action star as "a righteous, sweet guy" and "truly one of a kind." This time, the allotment legend reportedly gushed over his onscreen deuteragonist, Ferguson. According to an insider, Cruise may have a fondness for Ferguson, but the 'Top Gun' star was "well aware" of Ferguson's marital residence and "would never cross that line," as per OK! Magazine.

Also Read: Is Tom Cruise looking to rekindle romance with Sofia Vergara? 'Modern Family' star reportedly 'checks almost every box' for actor

Who is Rebecca Fergusson's husband?

In uphold to being an established actress, Ferguson, 39, is happily married to businessman, Rory St Clair Gainer, since 2018. However, the 'Doctor Sleep' star and her husband keep their relationship quite low-key. According to reports, the couple lives in Richmond, southwest London. They couple had their daughter, Sage, in 2018 too. 

Gainer has often been spotted wandering the streets with his wife. He was spotted strolling the streets of London in March with Ferguson and her agent, Charles Collier. Prior to that, they were spotted in Pro-reDemocrat in 2020 with their daughter. The cute toddler walked with her parents after sporting a red sweater and patterned skirt.

Also Read: Who is Frederic Raphael? 'Eyes Wide Shut' screenwriter periods Tom Cruise 'egocentric control freak' in his scathing book

How did Rebecca Ferguson meet Rory St Clair Gainer?

According to reports, the couple began dating in 2016 and got married two existences later. Ferguson spoke briefly about their relationship with Extra TV two existences after they first started dating. She told the magazine that she owed her disappointed to Gainer and her close family members since "we're all in it together." She also supposed about how simple their wedding ceremony was. "Nothing…we both just demanded to step over all thresholds. Also, I’m not very religious. I believe in love," she said at the time.

Also Read: Why aren't Leonardo DiCaprio, Meryl Streep or Tom Cruise at the picket line? SAG-AFTRA strike lacks presence of A-listers

Ferguson shares a son visited Isaac, who was born in 2007, with her ex-boyfriend, psychosynthesis therapist Ludwig Hallberg. 

'Tom and Rebecca earnt very close during the shoot'

Ferguson previously told Family how much she valued the chance to collaborate with Cruise. She said at the time, "After having Tom in, if I asked a question, I would leave the room feeling pumped and really inflamed because he believed in me."

Fast forward to the record, sources told OK! Magazine, "Tom and Rebecca became very discontinuance during the shoot. They got along like gangbusters, and Tom is genuinely impressed by Rebecca. Not only does he think she’s drop-dead gorgeous, she’s also a intellectual actress whose career he’s followed for years."

Sources further stated, "And Rebecca was a trouper working alongside Tom, who can be sparkling intense — but he makes it exciting, too."

There were rumors of a romance between Cruise and the Swedish bombshell. However, an insider refuted these stories, stating that Cruise was plainly "gung-ho when he likes someone."

Cruise and Ferguson will bet on as Ethan and Ilsa in 'Mission: Impossible -Dead Reckoning Part One', set to hit theatres on July 12.

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Allemagne : Un incendie se déclenche à Europa-Park, le parc d'attractions évacué

Un incendie se déclenche à Europa-Park, le parc d'attractions évacué

Une épaisse fumée noire qui se dégage du quartier espagnol… Ce lundi après-midi, un incendie s’est déclaré au sein du célèbre parc d’attractions Europa-Park, situé à Rust (Allemagne), à une demi-heure de route de Strasbourg. Les visiteurs auraient entendu plusieurs explosions au niveau de la « Grotte aux diamants », situé donc à proximité du lieu consacré au pays ibérique, selon France 3 Grand-Est.

Face à cette situation, les 25.000 visiteurs présents ce jour ont tous été évacués. Pendant ce temps, des pompiers sont à pied d’œuvre afin de contenir les flammes et éviter qu’elles ne ravagent d’autres attractions. Sur Twitter, le parc d’attractions a d’abord évoqué « un incident ». Puis, vers 18h30, a de nouveau communiqué : « L’incendie est sous contrôle. Les zones concernées ont été évacuées et le parc a fermé ses portes. Actuellement, aucun blessé n’a été porté à notre connaissance. »

Plus de 450 pompiers, membres des forces de l'ordre et services de secours ont été dépêchés sur le site du parc, selon la police, qui indique que l'évacuation s'est passé «sans problème» et que les systèmes d'alerte ont correctement fonctionné. Aucun élément n'a été immédiatement fourni sur l'étendue des dégâts ou l'origine du sinistre. La police judiciaire allemande a ouvert une enquête. Le parc pourrait rouvrir dès mardi.

En 2018, un spectaculaire incendie s’était déjà déclaré et avait ravagé le quartier scandinave.

Inside Rebecca Ferguson and Husband Rory's Secret Wedding

Rebecca Ferguson's husband, Rory, married the actress in a secret ceremony in 2018. Only a few guests were in attendance, including Ferguson's son from her relationship with Ludwig Hallberg.

When "Dune" obliging came out, the film earned $400 million at the worldwide box office. It was an overnight sensation recognized with six Academy Awards, including best original score.

Recently, Hans Zimmer hinted a "Dune: Part Two" in the works, together with editor Joe Walker, cinematographer Greig Fraser, and novel behind-the-scenes stars who made the first installment a unfastened success.

"I am just getting going," Zimmer supposed. "My job with directors is to do the sketching they can't imagine. Otherwise, they would be doing it themselves."

"Dune: Part Two" will star newcomers Austin Butler and Florence Pugh, as well as the unique cast, Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Javier Bardem, and Rebecca Ferguson, whose personal life has gained the interest of many fans.


Although Ferguson corpses quiet about her personal life, the actress revealed that she got married in a miniature and private ceremony over the 2018 holidays.

Rebecca Ferguson during the "Dune" premiere at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival at Cinesphere on September 11, 2021 in Toronto, Ontario. | Source: Getty Images

Their populate celebration had a few guests in attendance, including a few family and friends, to witness her union with Rory, whose last name she did not roar. Their daughter and Ferguson's son from a previous relationship were also in attendance. She said:

“It was more for us and our family. We rented a cottage with friends and family and Wellington boots and big wooly socks and big ruggy jumpers.”

Her son, Isaac, was the ring bearer at the wedding, while her then-six-month-old daughter slept throughout the ceremony.

Rebecca Ferguson during the UK Special Screening of "Dune" at Odeon Luxe Leicester Square on October 18, 2021 in London, England. | Source: Getty Images


The "Mission: Impossible" star shares Isaac with her ex-boyfriend, Ludwig Hallberg. She once opened up about being a mother and an actress:

“[My son] comes to the set, I go off and chop him with the stunt guys, and I come in, and he's excaltering off a harness somewhere. He loves it, but I don't think he would like to act.”

Ferguson welcomed her transfer child, Sage, in 2018 and was later seen in Paris together up of the Tom Cruise film's premiere.


In 2020, Ferguson and Rory were spotted strolling in Venice with their little girl. Photos showed the doting parents looking at what time their toddler while in masks and shades.

The combine looked laidback in jeans, long-sleeved tops, and sneakers, after their daughter wore a bright red cardigan and a skirt. They were both also photographed holding Sage's hands.

Ferguson is not the only celebrity who opted to have a secret wedding ceremony. Years ago, Tom Selleck married his wife, Jillie Mack, and even used aliases to keep their celebration opinion wraps.

The "Blue Bloods" star went as far as surprising the priest in who was getting married to avoid leakage to the listless. At the end of the day, the celebration went well, and the genuine wouldn't change anything.

Le commandant Nicolas Galand, de la Fédération nationale des Sapeurs-Pompiers de France, livre ses consignes de sécurité en cas d'incendie

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Abington ABINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - Rachel Clarke (HM-A), Christina D’Agostino (GK-A), Molly DeQuinzio (GK-A), Jonathan Doucette (GK-A), Alexandra Draper (GK-A), Emily Fagan (SK-A), Jazmin Gauvain (GK-APSK-AHM-A), Elizabeth Gould (HM-A), Amy Hackett (GK-A), Julianne Johnson (HM-A), William Panzino (2HM-A), Joseph Phan (GK-A,SK-A), Sarah Spencer (2GK-A), Jared Torchetti (GK-A,2SK-A), Brendan Whalen (GK-A). FROLIO MIDDLE SCHOOL - Evan Goyuk (SK-A), Ashlyn Hayes (HM-A), Elizabeth Jarrins (HM-A), Taylor Johnson (HM-A), Abbi Rickerson (SK-A).

Acton ACTON-BOXBOROUGH REG. HIGH - Dori Badics (GK-A), Soubhik Barari (2SK-W), Maclyn Brandwein (SK-A), Lindsay Buckle (SK-A), Clarissa Budd (GK-PP), Jennifer Chen (2GK-A), Claire Côté (SK-A), Lindsay Darlow (HM-A), Amanda Davies (SK-A), Rebecca Doig (HM-A), Emily Foster (GK-PP,SK-A), Gabby Gonzalez (SK-A), Molly Gundlach (HM-A), Jillian Hammer (HM-A), Andrea Hart (HM-A), Min Woo Kim (SK-A), Ashley Lin (HM-A), Stephanie Lin (SK-A), Melissa Macrides (HM-A), Julia Pai (HM-A), Kristen Pantano (HM-A), Alecia Reed (HM-A), Anni Rong (SK-A), Varun Subramanyam (SK-A), Joy Wang (HM-A), Kelly Wang (SK-A ), Shuwen Yu (GK-A). RJ GREY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Varsha Harish (GK-A), Teresa Willand (HM-A), Carol Zhang (2GK-W).

Amesbury AMESBURY HIGH SCHOOL - Bailey Flanagan (HM-A), Senia Laforte (HM-A), Mikayla Mackey (HM-A), Abby McAllister (2HM-A), Hannah Shoreman (HM-A). AMESBURY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Suianny Goncalves (HM-A), Colleen Noonan (SK-A), Sebastiana Redford (HM-A), Sarah Sylvester (GK-A).

Amherst AMHERST REG. HIGH SCHOOL - Natalie Barkman (GK-ASK-A), Shani Chartier (SK-A), Jessie Chasan-Taber (GK-A), Isabelle Coppinger (HM-A), Ailton Correia (GK-A,SK-A), Samuel Duncan (SK-A), Hans Erickson (HM-A), Zeke Foerster (GK-A), Zoe Freedman Coleman (GK-A), Ella Hepner (SK-AHM-A), Miriam Hwang-Carlos (HM-A), Indra Kumar (SK-A), Emma Marsters (GK-A), August Miller (HM-A), Natalie Moss (2SK-A,HM-A), Shannon Napier (HM-A), Daniel Osten (HM-A), Leah Parker-Bernstein (GK-A), Amanda Piela (SK-A), Lucy Salwen (GK-A,HM-A), Emma Sevene (HM-A), Elora Simkins (HM-A), Zoe Tessler (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Sarah Waldman (HM-A), Jacqueline Wang (GK-APGK-A), Ethan Young (GK-A,HM-A). HOME SCHOOL - Cara McPhee (HM-W).

Andover ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL - Rachel Aldrich (GK-A), Emily Appleton (HM-A), Emma Cammann (HM-A), Jianna Christopher (HM-A), Katja Grober (HM-A), Benjamin Harris (GK-A), Emily Ishihara (HM-A), Colin Johnson (GK-A,HM-A), Mary Kuan (HM-A), John Lincoln-Vogel (GK-AP2SK-A), Melanie Long (HM-A), Melanie Nesteruk (HM-A ), Reina Ono (HM-A), Arun Padykula (SK-A), Connor Pauley (HM-A), Jacob Phan (HM-A), Matilda Sabal (HM-A), Maria Tornatore (HM-A), George Zhou (SK-A). HOME SCHOOL - Wendy Zhou (SK-W,HM-A). PHILLIPS ACADEMY - Sung Woo Hong (2SK-WSK-A2HM-W), Hyun Cheol Jung (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Ji Seok Kim (2SK-W), Janine Ko (2GK-WHM-W), Kit Li (GK-AVN,SK-W,2HM-W), Caroline Lu (3SK-W,2HM-W), Nicholas Tonckens (2HM-W), Bo Hyung Yoon (2GK-A,4HM-A,HM-W).

Arlington ARLINGTON CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL - Jennifer Barry (HM-A), Lydia Genard (GK-A). ARLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - Kate Barvick (SK-A), Samuel Berard (SK-A), Nicholas Bertini (HM-A), Julian Bloom (HM-A), Aidan Cuffe (SK-A), Lena Giguere (HM-A), Christina Hernekamp (HM-A), Linnea Kirby (HM-A), Elena Lacourt (2GK-A), Tianna Liu (2HM-A), Aiden O’Day (HM-A), Laura Shriver (GK-PP), Jayda Smith-Senat (HM-A), Quentin Stipp (GK-AP,GK-A,HM-A), Katja Swartz (2SK-A), Olivia Tyson (GK-A), Kristjana Xhuveli (HM-A). OTTOSON MIDDLE SCHOOL - John Angell (HM-A), Yoonah Choi (HM-A), Sorrel Galantowicz (GK-A), Clinton Garrahan (HM-A).

Ashburnham CUSHING ACADEMY - Jae Young Choi (HM-W), Jun Bum Kim (HM-W), Tae Yean Won (HM-W). OAKMONT REG. HIGH SCHOOL - Christina Alario (GK-W), Hayley Barry (SK-A ), Isabella Ciccolini (HM-A), Brooke Durkan (GK-WHM-W), Sarah Morse (HM-A), Lucas Neff (HM-A), Brianna Ouellette (SK-W), Anyes Perreault (HM-W), Danielle Richard (SK-W), Troy Richardson (HM-A), Arianna Robichaud (GK-W), Matthew Robillard (HM-A), Colin Smith (GK-WHM-W), Melissa Specht (SK-A).

Attleboro ATTLEBORO HIGH SCHOOL - Joshua Belcher (SK-A), Matthew Estey (SK-A), Alexa Gustafson (HM-A), Jessica Manchester (HM-A), Jason Moehle (SK-A), Brittney Pereira (GK-A), Tess Silva (GK-A). BISHOP FEEHAN HIGH SCHOOL - Rachael Abbott (SK-A), Christopher Anderson (HM-A), Leah Arsenault (HM-A), Alyssa Aucoin (HM-A), Madison Bargantine (SK-AHM-A), Kathleen Barry (GK-A,SK-A), Patrick Beagan (3HM-W), Zac Boulerice (HM-A), Danielle Buckley (SK-A), Caitlin Callanan (HM-A), Lauren Claus (SK-W), Ceara Conley (SK-A), Gianna Desrochers (SK-A), Siri Devlin (HM-A), Aidan Farrell (SK-A), Lauren Feeney (HM-A), Alison Fortier (SK-A), Annemarie Galvin (SK-A), Peter Genest (HM-A), Liza Hanson (SK-A), Jacquelyn Hardenburgh (GK-A), Brynna Harum (SK-W), Olivia Hitchcock (HM-W), Hannah Kumlin (GK-A), Jeffrey LaRochelle (GK-A,HM-A), Nathan Lynch (SK-A3HM-A), Kyle MacEachern (HM-A), Michela Mastrodicasa (SK-A), Randy Melanson (GK-A), Meghan Murray (GK-AP,SK-A,HM-A), Nicole Powers (HM-A), Benjamin Ross (SK-A), Emily Rowles (SK-A), Nathaniel Sherman (GK-W), Matthew Taylor (SK-A), Ian Travis (SK-A), Jeffrey Vogel (HM-A), Meghan Volpe (SK-A,HM-A). B M C DURFEE HIGH SCHOOL - Alexander Bouncher (SK-W2HM-W), Michael Charpentier (SK-A), Karly Laliberte (GK-A,SK-A), Abigail MacBeth (SK-A).

Auburn AUBURN MIDDLE SCHOOL - Patrick Callahan (HM-W), Kayla Causey (HM-W), Hanna Harris (SK-W), Keryn Reno (SK-W). HOME SCHOOL - Jeanelle Wheeler (3GK-W,3SK-W,HM-W).

Avon AVON MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL - Nicole Durant (HM-A), Alexander Feetham (GK-AP,SK-A), Kevin Foley (GK-PP,2HM-A), Brian Lounge (HM-A), Mary Richards (SK-A), Malcolm Saint Felix (HM-A).

Ayer AYER HIGH SCHOOL - Cindy Alarcon (GK-A), Austin Bell (HM-A), Michael Donell (SK-A), Jamie McKenna (HM-A), Jason Mills (SK-A), Anna Peck (HM-A).

Barre QUABBIN REG HIGH SCHOOL - Melissa Bobka (HM-W), Samantha Carlson (SK-W), Kathryn Coppolino (4HM-A), Mike Frekey (HM-W), Madison Holland (SK-A), Joshua Hubbard (HM-W ), Maggie Lacwasan (SK-A), Jessica Maki (HM-W), Kyle Mann (HM-A), Mackenzie Montgomery (HM-W), Juliette Pascale (HM-A), Brandi Pasternack (SK-A), Chelsea Puntanen (HM-A ), Jessica Senecal (GK-A), Sarolt Szepe (HM-A), Dan Tuttle (4GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Mindy Villaran (GK-AHM-A), Brittany White (SK-A).

Bedford BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Hayley Bauer (HM-A), Pei-Yun Chu (GK-A), Lindsey Currier (HM-A), Tess Gong (SK-A), Anne Greene (2HM-A), Erica Hsiung (2HM-A), Ridhima Kolla (HM-A), Peter Manning (SK-A), Lindsy Pang (GK-A), Bethany Rennich (2HM-W), Tessa Rosenberry (HM-A), Jessica Saunders (SK-A), Lexi Ugelow (SK-AHM-A), Alex Winkler (HM-A).

Belmont BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL - Christina Azarian (GK-A), Stacey Brandt (GK-AVN), Thaddeus Carlile (GK-A), Maya Carlson (HM-A), Helen Chow (GK-A), Grace Chung (GK-A ), Juliette Dankens (HM-A), Sarah Dankens (GK-A), Kasia Dillon (SK-A), Elisabeth Frick (HM-A), Hanako Gutterman (HM-A), Simone-Elise Hasselmo (GK-A), Anisa Hawley (HM-A), Haiyi Huang (SK-A), Mariam Keryan (GK-A), Yoon Jae Kim (GK-A), Aimee Lin (HM-A), Jean Lin (GK-A), Marina Massidda (GK-A), Ariana McFarland (HM-A), Casey McLaughlin (SK-A), Georga Morgan-Fleming (GK-A), Reina Nagashima (HM-A), Sophie Offner (GK-A), Carolyn Preston (HM-A), William Staub (GK-A), Sabine Strauch (HM-A ), Catherine Tang (SK-A), Anqi Wan (SK-A), Ian Wooster (GK-A), Megan Zhang (HM-A), Arman Ashrafi (SK-A), Daniel Doherty (HM-A), Benjamin Jones (SK-A), Joshua Lee (2HM-A), Daniel Ramsey (HM-A). W.L. CHENERY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Kyra Armstrong (GK-A), Erin Cantor (SK-A), Della Copes-Finke (SK-A), Bonnie Jin (GK-A), Denise Khor (SK-A), Helena Kim (GK-A), Maggie Liu (SK-A), Clay Moyles (SK-A), Renuka Nannapaneni (SK-A), Emma Taylor (HM-A), Lily Tromanhauser (HM-A), Sierra Tseng (GK-A), Sophia Windemuth (HM-A), Emma Zhao (GK-A).

Beverly BEVERLY HIGH SCHOOL - Sam Aldrich (GK-A), Mariah Beard (SK-A), Daniel Cacciatore (GK-A), Izzy Dow (SK-A), Elizabeth Flaherty (HM-A), Jacob Levine (HM-A), Jennifer Lomonte (HM-A), Sam Shorr (SK-A). THE WARING SCHOOL - Quinn Bokor (GK-AP), Gillie Carlson (HM-A), Isabelle Cookson (SK-A), Elspeth Currie (HM-A), Emma Garthwaite (SK-A), Hans Goudey (HM-A), Aaron Greiner (HM-A), Alexandra Kyllingstad (GK-W), Mateo Lincoln (GK-A), Eleanor Lustig (HM-A), Christianna Moestue (HM-A ), Marguerite Mullen (SK-A), Alice Thompson (HM-A), Sophie Wilson (GK-A). BILLERICA MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL - Helena Bird (GK-A), Laura Button (HM-A), Kat Jimenez (HM-A ), Amanda Lucidi (SK-A), Amanda Neilan (HM-A), Siobhan O’Connor (SK-A), Aarti Patel (GK-A), Katharine Playter (HM-A), Anneloes Van Beek (GK-A,HM-A).

Bolton NASHOBA REGIONAL - Alexandra Campbell (SK-A), Faith Connor (HM-A), Libby Goss (GK-WP), Miles Hodge (GK-AP), Olivia Magnussen (HM-A), Christina Orlando (2SK-A ).

Boston BOSTON ARTS ACADEMY - Althea Bennett (3HM-A). BOSTON COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL - Ryan Buckley (SK-A), Timothy Burnes (HM-A), Ryan Hatfield (SK-A), Aidan Lee (HM-A ), Noah Levesque (SK-A), Russell McQuaid (HM-A), Sean P. McCarthy (GK-A), Jake Ransford (GK-ASK-A), Justin Roberts (HM-A). BOSTON LATIN - Sandy Hoac (SK-A), Cameron Jones (HM-W), Peter Kadzis (SK-A), Nathan Krieger (GK-W), Hadley Price (HM-A), Chengfeng Shao (SK-W), Joseph Soto (GK-PP), Kadine Stephens (SK-A), Leland Wu (GK-W). BOSTON TRINITY ACADEMY - Andrea Chirieac (GK-A), Jin-ha Kim (HM-A), Seong Woo Lee (HM-A), Julia Mel (HM-A), Jodi Montagna (HM-A). CATHOLIC MEMORIAL - Joshua Dyson (HM-A ), Dongjun Lee (HM-A). COMMONWEALTH SCHOOL - Diana Abbas (2HM-W), Melanie Abrams (GK-WHM-W), Shira Bartov (SK-W), Eva Bozewicz (GK-W,HM-W), Alina Grabowski (GK-WP), Ruth Hanna (SK-W), Josie Hirsch (SK-A), Colin McIsaac (SK-A), Sally Rifkin (HM-A), Emma Sunog (GK-W,2SK-W,HM-W), Thornton Uhl (SK-A,HM-W). MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS TECH - Raymond Barreau (HM-W), Aneja Jones-Graham (HM-W). MOTHER CAROLINE ACADEMY - Naomi Kalombo (SK-W). MOUNT ST. JOSEPH ACADEMY - Kyungbin Kim (SK-A,HM-A). SOUTH BOSTON CATHOLIC ACADEMY - Nichelle Crosby-McDonough (HM-A). THE ROXBURY LATIN SCHOOL - John Baron (HM-A), Marcel Budavari (HM-A), Jeremiah Dalton (HM-A), Myles Garbarini (GK-A), Liam Gaziano (HM-A), Justice Gibson (HM-A), Jim Gildea (HM-A), Dennis Guo (SK-A), Khalif Mitchell (HM-A), Michael Shepard (GK-A), Alfred Sweeney (HM-A). WINSOR SCHOOL - Kelly Chen (SK-A), Schuyler Cornell (SK-A), Faith Danglo (SK-A), Hannah Evans (HM-A), Polly Gabrieli (GK-A), Julia Gangemi (GK-A), Sabrina Gosman (HM-A), Anushree Gupta (HM-A), Elizabeth Hiss (HM-A), Sarah Khorasani (HM-A), Caroline Ognibene (SK-A), Sarah Prickett (SK-A), Priyokti Rana (HM-A), Shoshanah Spurlock (HM-A).

Bourne BOURNE HIGH SCHOOL - Cecelia Alldredge (SK-A), Timothy Andrade (SK-A), Kasey Brochu (HM-A), Alanah Durr (HM-A), Kristen Isabelle (SK-A), Brian Li (GK-A), Kelly McGuire (HM-A), Ashley Pratt (SK-A), Shaine Spencer (2SK-A).

Boxford ARTIST FINE ARTS CLASS - Rita Ding (SK-AHM-A), Melissa Jin (SK-A), Brian Li (GK-A), Amy Liu (GK-A), Vivian Y. Liu (SK-A), Catherine Wang (GK-A), Sophia Zhang (SK-A).

Braintree BRAINTREE HIGH SCHOOL - Cherie Chan (HM-A), Emma Cross (HM-A), Gina Ford (HM-A), Weensen Joseph (HM-A), Rebecca Kelleher (SK-A), Greg Lynch (GK-A), Kristina Palmarin (HM-A), Angela Segall (2HM-A), Sophia Wong (SK-A).

Bridgewater BRIDGEWATER-RAYNHAM REG. HIGH - Joseph Bumpus (HM-A), Ellen Collins (HM-A), Chelsea Flaherty (HM-A), Nicholas Goodhue (GK-A), Joanna He (HM-A), Daniel Lynch (HM-A ), Benjamin Nelson (HM-A), Erin Walsh (HM-A).

Brockton ASHFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL - Kyle Decker (HM-A), Angela Frazis (GK-A), Rulx Sainlus (SK-A). BROCKTON HIGH SCHOOL - Jennifer Alvarez (HM-A), Alexandra Arbia (GK-A ), Lovenso Arindal (GK-AP,GK-A,HM-A), Julian Bartorelli (HM-A), Christopher Bolivar (GK-AP,GK-A,HM-A), Darius Bowens (GK-AP,SK-A,HM-A), Anna Correia (GK-A), Stanley Dang (HM-A ), Samantha Laidley (HM-A), Aron Michals-Brown (2GK-A), Samuel Silfa (HM-A), Christopher Torres (HM-A), Cassandra Ulysse (HM-A), Katisa Veiga (SK-A ), Tiffany Wallace (HM-A), Jeremy Washington (GK-PP,2HM-A). CARDINAL SPELLMAN HIGH SCHOOL - Shannon Broderick (GK-A), Katie Denenberg (GK-A), Catherine Dossett (HM-A ), Michaela Hendrickson (HM-A). EAST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Philip DePina (HM-A), Andrew Donahue (SK-A), Timothy Molloy (HM-A), Jailton Teixeira (HM-A). JOSEPH PLOUFFE ACADEMY - Alexandra Doherty (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Hector Hernandez (GK-A), Rosecela Semedo (SK-A,HM-A), Sarah Thou (HM-A). NORTH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jenny Recinos (HM-A). WEST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Ashley Farber (SK-A), Joshua Pires (SK-A).

Brookline BROOKLINE HIGH SCHOOL - Zoe Bentley (HM-A), Maya Carlisle-Swedberg (HM-A), Ian Chin (SK-A,HM-A), Celia Cummiskey (HM-A), Elizabeth Gura-Gavin (GK-A), Nina Hofkosh-Hulbert (SK-A,HM-A), Julia Lejeune (HM-A), Catherine Marris (SK-A), Karl Miller (GK-A), Wendy Morales (GK-AHM-A), Meredith Outterson (2HM-A), Vanessa Silva (HM-A ), William Soja (SK-A), Marie Wheeler (HM-A), Elizabeth Whipple (SK-A,HM-A), Momo Wong (SK-A). DEXTER SCHOOL - Adriano Carangelo (HM-A), Rory Colburn (HM-A ), Daniel Haro (SK-A), Austin O’Malley (HM-A). HOME SCHOOL - Georgiana Pagounis (HM-A). SOUTHFIELD SCHOOL - Kayla Ghantous (2HM-A), Diana Lee (SK-AHM-A), Cairli Moore (HM-A), Lily Wain (HM-A), Ji Hyun Yeo (GK-A), WILLIAM H. LINCOLN - Edmund Geschickter (HM-A).

Burlington BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - Jacqueline Akerley (HM-A), Olivia Akerley (SK-A), Christopher Coe (HM-A), Kathleen Desmond (GK-AHM-A), Devon Doherty (HM-A), Irina Grigoryeva (HM-A), Stacy Howe (HM-A), Eleni Klesaris (HM-A), Toula Papadopoulos (GK-AP,GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Maya Russell (SK-A), Danielle Schissler (HM-A), Lina Wu (SK-A). MARSHALL SIMONDS MIDDLE - Evan Amuzzini (SK-A), Paige Brand (SK-A), Shinji Coram (GK-A), Crystal Curran (SK-A), Corey Everett (HM-A), Alison Heffler (GK-A), RJ Hovasse (GK-A), Elaine Hovsepian (GK-A), Luke Iler (GK-A,HM-A), Jessica Keddy (SK-A), Hannah Miksenas (GK-A), Christina Monterio (HM-A), Nina Nguyen (SK-A), Stephanie O’Neill (GK-A,SK-A), Delaney O’Toole (SK-A), Julia Rabazzi (HM-A), Jennifer Reale (HM-A), Nicole Scola (HM-A), Nora Swanson (SK-A), Luciana Trabucco (HM-A), Lily Zenkin (SK-A).

Byfield THE GOVERNOR’S ACADEMY - Myles Badger (HM-W), Jakyung Bang (GK-A,2SK-A,HM-W), Jesse Bissell (HM-A), Chamnanratanakul Boong (3HM-A), Jean Bower (SK-W), Rachel Cabitt (SK-A,HM-A), Cassie Clavin (HM-A), Ariana DiCroce (SK-W,HM-W), Kate Duval (HM-A), Julia Healey (SK-W), Austen Hemlepp (2SK-A,HM-A), Nathalie Hirchak (HM-A), Mei Li Johnson (GK-A), Christine Lee (HM-A), So Hyun Lee (2GK-A), Katherine Maina (HM-A), Katie McKay (2HM-A), Megan O’Connor (GK-W), Kyler Ross (HM-A), Andres Saenz (GK-A), Emily Shea (SK-A), Shu-Hui Wee (SK-A). TRITON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL - Eliza Bouchard (2SK-A,HM-A), Nora Cox (SK-A), Peder Franson (HM-A), Matthew Haley (HM-A), Kayla Spring (HM-A), Carl Swanson (HM-A), Madison Williams (SK-A).

Cambridge BUCKINGHAM BROWNE & NICHOLS SCHOOL - Ania Aliev (HM-W), Sara Allan (SK-W), Alberto Ancona (HM-W), Serena Blacklow (GK-AVN3HM-W), Madeleine Blackman (GK-PP), Katherine Blenko (HM-W), Zoe Bornhorst (HM-W), Audrey Bransfield (GK-W), Judah Burstein (GK-W), Ami Clifford (SK-AHM-A), Amanda Dai (SK-A,HM-A), Elaine Dai (2SK-W,HM-A,3HM-W), Rachel Deal (HM-W), Jenny Flaumenhaft (GK-W), Alexa Horwitz (2GK-W,2SK-W), Chi-Chun Alicia Juang (2SK-W), Jake Kuhn (GK-A), Ascher Kulich (HM-A ), Axel Lopez (SK-A), David Markey (HM-W), Caitlin McCarey (2GK-W,SK-W,HM-W), Tarika Narain (HM-W), Aaron Orbey (GK-W), Cameron O’Reilly (SK-A,HM-A), Erica Pandey (SK-A), Julie Peng (HM-A), Lina Rebeiz (GK-A), Kathrine Reynolds (GK-AHM-A), Alison Saparoff (GK-AVN,GK-A), Jacob Seidman (GK-W,SK-W,HM-W), Rachel Talamo (SK-W), Margery Tong (2GK-W), Lydia Wang (SK-W), Michelle Zhang (HM-A). CAMBRIDGE RINDGE & LATIN - Ciara Anderson (HM-A), Thomas Barrasso (HM-A), Rosa Booth (2HM-A), Juliana Brandao (HM-A ), Ariel Charles (GK-A), Victoria Corcione (SK-A), Rory Corcoran (GK-A), Christopher Desnoyers (HM-A), Kenneth Dickson (SK-A), Paul Doran (HM-A), Youssef Eddafali (SK-A ), Jonathan Edel-Hänni (HM-A), Shiann Gardner (GK-A), Kimberlee Gonsalves-Laro (HM-A), Michela Grunebaum (SK-A), Grace Gulick (SK-A ), Thalia Henao (GK-PP,HM-A), Evan Jaccodine (GK-ASK-AHM-A), Klara Kaufman (SK-A), Sasha Landar (SK-A), Morning Star Lazic (GK-A), Emilia Logan (HM-A), Sumer Malkovich (HM-A), Treme Manning-Cere (HM-A), Sarah Marsh (HM-A), Iona-Xiaolu McClellan (GK-PP), Sole Nazaire (HM-A), Michael Peterson (GK-A), Mira Rifai (GK-A ), Simone Rivard (SK-A), Xia Rondeau (GK-A), Gabriel Sanchez (GK-PP), Ilana Sandberg (HM-A), Eve Schauer (HM-A), Ariela Schear (SK-A), Natalie Schmitt-Nardin (GK-PPGK-ASK-A), Anna Steinman (HM-A), Sila Taskomur (SK-A), Meron Teklehaimanot (GK-PP), Tsega Tenzin (HM-A), Naomi Tsegaye (GK-PP), Emily Woisin (GK-A), Kevin Xiong (2SK-A), Sun-Ui Yum (GK-W,SK-W,SK-A). COMMUNITY CHARTER SCHOOL OF CAMBRIDGE - Destiny Smith-Matta (SK-W), Anne Valbrune (GK-A). FAYERWEATHER STREET SCHOOL - Julia Shenefield (2GK-W). INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BOSTON - Louis Block (GK-AVN,2SK-W,2SK-A,HM-W), Shannon Healey (2SK-WHM-W), Alexander Resnick (M-WW). PEABODY SCHOOL - Emily Rucker (GK-WW).

Canton CANTON HIGH SCHOOL - Lauren Hartnett (HM-A), Felicia Lee (GK-W), Alison McHugh (HM-A), Daniel Sheehy (HM-A). ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST SCHOOL - Arslay Joseph (GK-W ).

Carlisle CARLISLE SCHOOL - Niha Ahmad (GK-W), Nicole Albanese (SK-W), Sarah Alevy (SK-A), Tahnee Rae Buckelew (HM-A), Namita Chandra (SK-A), Deedy Chang (GK-A), Rahul Chopra (HM-W), Briana Cohen (SK-W), Brady Connors (GK-A), Meg Davis (SK-A), Emily Downing (HM-A), Catherine Gladstone (HM-W), Alex Goodisman (GK-W), Zoe Guarnaccia (SK-W), Nina He (GK-A), Samantha Herr (HM-W), Katrina Judicke (SK-W), Julia Konuk (HM-A), Daniel Lu (HM-W), Aris Martinian (SK-A), Tucker Nuzum-Clark (HM-W), Madeline Pinard (SK-WSK-A), Katelyn Reichheld (GK-W), Sam Royce (HM-W), Neil Ruthen (SK-W), Sunny Tang (SK-A), Will Tappen (SK-A), Harriet Thomson (HM-W), Katie Travisano (GK-W), Stephanie Wang (HM-A), Kenneth Wiggins (GK-A), Valerie Ziehler (GK-W).

Chelmsford CHELMSFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Alexandra Adams (HM-A), Stephanie Arnal (SK-A), Jacky Arndt (2HM-A), Alissa Buckland (HM-A), Cassandra Cairns (HM-A), Rachana Deshmukh (HM-A), Rachael Kane (HM-A), Emma King (SK-A), Marie Lawton (HM-A), Vincent Maniscalco (HM-A), Tia Martineau (HM-A), Emily Moreau (SK-A,2HM-A), Anya Nelson (HM-A), Rachel Shiau (HM-A), Alyssa Soucy (SK-A), Emily Totten (SK-A), Lisa Wu (HM-A). COL. MOSES PARKER SCHOOL - Sophia Haywood (HM-A), Karen Keller (HM-A), Abigail Ransdell (HM-A), Timothy Scaplen (HM-A), Krystina Tran (SK-A). HOME SCHOOL - Daniel Dimitrov (HM-A), Tanya Dimitrov (GK-A,SK-A). MCCARTHY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Celeste Almeida (HM-A), Olivia Briere (GK-A), Monica Chang (SK-A), Emily Norman (SK-A), Darren Persad (HM-A), Katherine Rigney (GK-A), Emily Rubico (HM-A), Sarah Williams (SK-A).

Chelsea CHELSEA HIGH SCHOOL - Marcone Correia (HM-A), Monica Hernandez (HM-A). EUGENE WRIGHT SCHOOL - Shirley Flores (HM-A), Zuleyma Flores (HM-A), Helen Rodriguez (HM-A), Edward Santiago (HM-AA). JOSEPH A. BROWNE SCHOOL - Khelsea Singh (HM-AA).

Chestnut Hill BEAVER COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL - Joseph Randles (SK-W). BRIMMER AND MAY SCHOOL - Jess Alperin (GK-A), Zia Angell (SK-A), Sarah Conklin (3SK-A), Halle Edwards-McQuilton (HM-A), Katherine Foster (SK-A), Victoria Foster (HM-A), Jaye Giglio (HM-A), Emily Gobbi (GK-ASK-AHM-A), Seo Hyun Kim (HM-A), Olivia Malmstrom (SK-A), Michael Rafferty (HM-A), Tayler Stander (GK-AA, Ruth Wooster (SK-AA).

Cohasset COHASSET MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL - Alexandra Flannery (SK-AA), Grace Lucier (HM-AA), Julia Richardson (HM-AA).

Concord CONCORD ACADEMY - YooJin Oh (SK-W). CONCORD CARLISLE HIGH SCHOOL - Bryan Benjamin (SK-A), Wyatt Burns (GK-AP), Emilie Carr (SK-A), Jessica Castelline (HM-A), Mary Jeanne Chappell (2HM-A), Caroline Conley (GK-A), Amelia Cox (HM-A), Jabari Coy-Gooding (GK-AHM-A), Alice Crowley (SK-A), Caroline Donelan (GK-AP), Marin Epstein (HM-A), Conley Ernst (HM-A), Brendon Fay (HM-A), Isabel Feinstein (SK-WHM-W), Margaret Fisher (HM-A), Alexander Frankiewicz (GK-A), Miranda Gaehde (HM-A), Camille Galejs (SK-A,HM-A), Mark Grande (GK-AP,GK-A), Zoe Gregoric (SK-A), Vera Hanson (SK-A), Lauren Herbst (HM-A), Natalie Hobson (SK-A), Susan Huyett (GK-PP), Sara Keeler (GK-PP), Hannah Kilcoyne (GK-APSK-A), Julia Krupp (GK-A), Allison Lin (HM-A), Jonah Lovy (HM-A), Carolyn Lu (GK-A,HM-A), Jessica Lu (2GK-W), Alexandra Mackenzie (HM-A), Olivia Meyerson (GK-AP,2HM-A), Rachael Murphy (SK-A), Abigail Ojemann (HM-A), Colin Piette (2HM-A), Benjamin Rizkin (HM-A), Nicholas Ruhlmann (GK-A), Katy Scholten (HM-A), Katrina Stropkay (SK-A,HM-A), Ajea Stupart (HM-A), Ian Thompson (GK-PP), Lauren Tocci (HM-A), Ann Tran (GK-A), Kate Trieschman (GK-AP,SK-A), Jordan Ursch (HM-A), Currin Wallis (GK-ASK-A), Joy Wang (SK-W,2HM-W), Allison Wong (HM-A), Hanna Yang (SK-A). HOME SCHOOL - Miranda Cashman (GK-W,3SK-W,2HM-W), Lillian Duffield (GK-PP,SK-A). MIDDLESEX SCHOOL - Michelle Hung (2GK-A,2HM-AA).

Danvers HOLTEN RICHMOND MIDDLE - Abigail Armstrong (HM-A), Christian Brown (HM-A), Marissa Giampietro (SK-A), Alexander Perkins (SK-A). ST. JOHN’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL - Aidan Breen (GK-W), Jack Giblin (GK-A), John Kasada (GK-AVN), Ryan McKechnie (HM-A), Kent Parsons (SK-A), Adeeb Shaji (HM-A), Ben Sword (HM-A), Austin Woolman (HM-A).

Dartmouth BISHOP STANG HIGH SCHOOL - Cassidy Early (HM-A), Brendan Troland (HM-A). DARTMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - Phylicia Barbosa (SK-A), Brittany Boucher (HM-A), Sydney Braga (2HM-W), Alison Cadieux (GK-W), Camilla Carlozzi (SK-A,HM-A), Danielle Caron (HM-A), George Carpenter (GK-A), John Crosby (HM-W), Heather Gagne (2HM-W), Alexandria Keene (SK-WHM-W), Abby Koczera (HM-A), Caroline Macedo (GK-A), Michael McDonald (GK-PP3SK-A), Cassandra McDowell (GK-A), Sheamus McNamara (2HM-A), Torreya Moniz (GK-A), James Rider (2HM-WA, Abbey Wozniak (HM-AA).

Dedham DEDHAM HIGH SCHOOL - Rachel Barkowitz (HM-W), Caitlyn Brennan (SK-W), Katie Nolan (HM-W). NOBLE AND GREENOUGH SCHOOL - Irena Maria Maier (2GK-W), Chloe Rosen (HM-W).

Deerfield EAGLEBROOK SCHOOL - Bobby Kwon (2GK-A,GK-W,SK-AA).

Dighton DIGHTON-REHOBOTH REG. HIGH - Erica Bacon (SK-A), Brittany Cestodio (HM-A), Grace Chmielinski (GK-A,HM-A), Rachel Correia (SK-A), Nicole Durkee (HM-A), Alycia Ennis (GK-AP), Alison Geoffrey (HM-A), Kira Hitz (HM-A), April MacDonald (2SK-A), Benjamin Masse (HM-A), Suzanna Newman (SK-A,HM-A), Sage Parente (3HM-A), Melanie Parker (SK-A), Sophia Szydlowski (HM-AA, Sara Vickey (HM-AA).

Douglas DOUGLAS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Olivia Brunetti (HM-AA, Morgan Mooney (HM-AA).


Dracut DRACUT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Daniel Dorant (HM-AA, Kelsey Wooster (HM-AA).

Dudley SHEPHERD HILL REG. HIGH - Rylie Ackley (2HM-A), Zarah Avalon (HM-A), Amanda Bater (2HM-A), Mikala Dows (HM-A), Zenyah Figueroa (HM-A), Shannon Foley (HM-A), Daniel Gago (HM-A), Chloe Jolin (HM-A), Sarah Koleskikovas (HM-A), Christina Lambert (SK-A), Congke Li (HM-A), Jena Nesta (HM-A), Maria Palkon (SK-A ), Gabriella St. Marie (HM-AA).

Duxbury DUXBURY HIGH SCHOOL - Emily Doyle (HM-A), Kara Greenwood (GK-A), Ian Ikeda (HM-A), Dani Jamieson (HM-A), Kyle Jones (HM-A), Frances Anne McDonald (HM-A), Alexandra Najarian (HM-AA, Caroline Shaunessy (GK-AA, Samantha Stillman (HM-AA).

East Bridgewater EAST BRIDGEWATER HIGH SCHOOL - Lacey Dodge (HM-A), Kevin Gambino (SK-A), Kimberly Gleason (HM-A), Alexa Nickandros (SK-A), Jillian Resendes (HM-A), Lindsey Wolfe (HM-AA).

Eastham NAUSET REG HIGH SCHOOL - McKenzie Abraham (HM-A), Mary Bazinet (HM-A), Emma Burzycki (HM-A), Meg Carr (HM-A), Margaret Clancy (SK-A), Allison Concra (SK-A), Alejandra Cuadra (HM-A), Weston Doucette (SK-A), John Erickson (SK-A), Samuel Harry (SK-A), Julia Heid (HM-A), Nicholas Hoffman-Klaucke (GK-AP,GK-A,2HM-A), Connor Jacobus (GK-A), Alexander Knight (GK-A), Leo Laemmle (HM-A), Irene Lynch (HM-A), Gabriella Parker (HM-A), Hannah Pells (GK-A), Celina Pombo (2SK-A), Abbie Russo (HM-A), Cassidy Weeks (HM-A), Alexis Wheeler (HM-A).

Easthampton WILLISTON NORTHAMPTON SCHOOL - Olivia Foster (GK-W).

Easton EASTON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Jessica Looney (HM-A). OLIVER AMES HIGH SCHOOL - Kayla Bragg (SK-A), Juliana Ferrara (GK-A), Brandan Griffin (HM-A), Emily Grotz (GK-A ), Daria Laboutina (GK-A), Erica Lewis (GK-A), Jessica Neary (HM-A), Chelsea Sirois (HM-A), Emma Troupe (SK-A). SOUTHEASTERN REG. VOC. TECH - Matthew Carrigg (HM-A), Ian Clements (HM-A), Kaitlyn Guerriero (HM-A), Natasha James (GK-A), Liveta Lapinskaite (2HM-A), Louis Perez (SK-A).

Everett EVERETT HIGH SCHOOL - Kevin Angulo (SK-A), Gustavo Barceloni (SK-A,HM-A), Rodrigo Castillo (GK-A,2HM-A), Brianna Cocco (HM-A), Samuel Correa (SK-A,2HM-A), Clarissa Costa (SK-A), Sarah Fischer (SK-A2HM-A), Chau Huynh (HM-A), Deanna Johnson (HM-A), Roy Lima (HM-A), Lena Nguyen (HM-A), Mirian Pineda (GK-A), Amanda Rodrigues (HM-A).

Fall River B.M.C. DURFEE HIGH SCHOOL - Alexa Alejo (SK-AHM-A), Carlos Andrade (SK-A), Krystal Araujo (HM-A), Abby Bedard (2SK-A), Grace Borden (SK-A), Virginia King (HM-A), Tyler Pacheco (HM-A), Yadriel Perez (HM-A), Alicia Shepard (HM-A), Kaylor Silva (HM-A), Bryana Silvia (SK-A), Kayla Silvia (SK-A). BISHOP CONNOLLY HIGH SCHOOL - Yaoyi Fan (GK-ASK-A), James Robinson (SK-A,HM-A).

Falmouth FALMOUTH ACADEMY - Hannah Davenport (GK-W), Grant Doney (HM-A), Rachel Dragos (GK-WP,SK-A), Ayla Fudala (GK-WPHM-A), Julia Guerin (SK-A), Lauren Hoyerman (SK-A,3HM-A), Leandra Sethares (GK-A), Elizabeth Stimson (HM-A), Caitlin Walsh (GK-A). FALMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - Mary Annadale (HM-W), Aoife Callinan (HM-A), Jason Crawford (SK-A), Liam Cross (HM-A), Elisabeth Decker (HM-W), Graham Dunn (HM-A), Daniel Howland (SK-A), Chester Kilfoyle (SK-W), Sam Lavoie (GK-A), Robert Maseda (HM-A), Richard Moore (SK-A), Peter Negri (SK-A), Isabella Phares (HM-A), Matthew Shahzade (GK-A), John Silvia (HM-W), Mary Toner (SK-ASK-W), Alexandra Urbina (HM-A). LAWRENCE JUNIOR HIGH - Ruth Fuller (HM-W), Rebecca Hopkins (HM-W), Kaitlin McManus (SK-W), Rita Sherwood (HM-A), Michael Wheeler (SK-W).

Fiskdale TANTASQUA REG. JUNIOR HIGH - Hunter Boudreau (GK-A).

Fitchburg FITCHBURG ARTS ACADEMY - Sophia Arciprete (SK-A), Alysia Batallas (SK-A), Lisa Bever (GK-A), Ariana Cruz-Rivera (GK-A), Anniesoet Deya (GK-A), Shanina Ferreira (HM-A), Carlos Figueroa (GK-A), Chris Knox (HM-A), Ashlei Paradis (HM-A), Eric Perry (SK-A), Megan Ptak (GK-A), Jaelyn Sanchez (HM-A). FITCHBURG HIGH SCHOOL - Lianna Boulay (HM-A).

Florence JOHN F. KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Mairead Blatner (GK-W), Taylor Cassidy (GK-A), Ellanora Childs (HM-W), Gabriel Feldman-Schwartz (SK-W), Jemma Fisher (HM-W), Ian Fishman (HM-W), Emma Landsman (SK-W), Zach Levitt (SK-A), Vivian Myron (HM-W), Lucy Norton (HM-W), Charlie Zinn (SK-A).

Foxborough FOXBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Shelby Baker (HM-A), Sawyer Fleck (SK-A), Kira Hallberg (2SK-A), Hailey Johnson (SK-A), Cassidy Maziarz (3HM-A), Nick Mordini (GK-A,HM-A), Allie Peter (SK-A), Genevieve Rogan (HM-A), Jake Soccorso (HM-A), Kelsey Sullivan (SK-A), Cooper Vacheron (GK-A,3HM-A), Ariana Zanecchia (HM-A). FOXBOROUGH REG. CHARTER - Ashley Berkowitz (SK-A), Katrina Spiezio (SK-A). JOHN J. AHERN SCHOOL - Sarah Spillane (SK-W,HM-W).

Framingham CHRISTA MCAULIFFE REG. CHARTER - Jacob Stillman (HM-A). FRAMINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL - Christopher Alves (HM-A), Brianna Araya (HM-A), Madeleine Barowsky (HM-W), Megan Carr (SK-A), Mike Caruso (SK-A), Gina Catinella (SK-A), Kailyn Chan (SK-A), Michelle Cueroni (2HM-A), Sophia DeAraujo (HM-A), Kierra E Murphy (HM-A), Emily Frank (HM-A), Nathan Galloway (GK-A,HM-A), Mary Gonzalez (SK-A), Danielle Lagman (SK-A), Makayla Mckenna (HM-A), Jessica Meek (SK-A), Rebecca Patterson (GK-A), Xavier Quezada (GK-A,HM-A), Atila Santos (HM-A), Abby Singer (HM-A), Danielle Solomon (SK-A), Johanna Villagrana (HM-A), Claire Whall (GK-AHM-A), Andrea White (SK-A). HOME SCHOOL - Mia Lin (2HM-A). MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL - Ji-min Chun (GK-AP), Michael Costa (SK-W), Jeanine Duchaney (SK-W,2HM-W), Amanda Garner (HM-A), Lauren Ianni (2SK-W), Sujung Lee (HM-A), Marta Pysak (HM-W), Nicholas Seymour (HM-W), Aimee Silverman (2SK-W), Sarah Sullivan (HM-W), Hillary Waite (HM-W). WALSH MIDDLE SCHOOL - Scott Copeland (SK-W), Priyanka Roy (SK-W).

Franklin ANNIE SULLIVAN MIDDLE SCHOOL - Katelyn Davenport (HM-A), Samuel Friday (HM-A), Molly Harmon (GK-A,SK-A), Madison Liberatore (HM-A), Samuele Lombardi (SK-A), Madison Marino (HM-A), Dominic Salzillo (HM-A), Jenna Sweeney (HM-A), Katharine Waples (HM-A). FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL - Nicole Beckmann (HM-A), Xavier Burke-Hill (HM-A ), Tiffany Chao (2GK-A), Kayla Cormier (SK-A), Michaela Criscione (SK-A), Jayme Ellis (HM-A), Alicia Gallagher (2HM-A), Brad Gesimondo (GK-A), Sarah Goodman (GK-A), Aaron Gosch (GK-A), Alexandra Graudins (HM-A), William Knight (SK-A), Emily Millman (SK-A), Jigar Patel (HM-A), Matthew Stevens (GK-A), Laura Trottier (GK-A), Craig Willey (GK-A). HOME SCHOOL - Regis Schratz (HM-A). HORACE MANN MIDDLE SCHOOL - Emma Austin (HM-A), Michael Hurley (HM-W), Cameron Piana (SK-A), Daniella Polihovsky (GK-A), Soumya Sabbella (HM-A), Jeff Wu (GK-A), Angela Yuan (SK-A). REMINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Lauren Ivers (HM-A).

Georgetown GEORGETOWN MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL - Carter Bomengen (HM-A), Madeleine Cannon (HM-A), Audrey D’Zmua (HM-A), Stefania Khoda (HM-A), Megan Knizak (GK-A), Rebecca LaPlaca (SK-A,HM-A), Isabell Lowe (GK-A), Marisa Michaud (SK-A).

Gloucester GLOUCESTER HIGH SCHOOL - Nicole Dahlmer (SK-A), Corinne DeLouise (HM-A), Angela Marino (HM-A), Hannah Morris (HM-A).

Grafton GRAFTON MEMORIAL SENIOR - Arissa Grautski (SK-W), Jorge Jimenez (HM-A).

Great Barrington MONUMENT MOUNTAIN REG. HIGH - Loren Amdahl-Culleton (SK-A), Jacob Bronstein (SK-A), Casey Flach (GK-A), Kaya Kelley (HM-A), Amanda Kerswell (GK-A), Luci Mino (SK-A), Cooper Ronan (HM-A), Hannah Young (SK-A). RENAISSANCE ART SCHOOL - Julie LePrevost (SK-A).

Greenfield STONELEIGH-BURNHAM SCHOOL - Brandi Weyers (HM-A), Dasom Yoon (GK-A,HM-A).

Groton GROTON-DUNSTABLE REGIONAL - Danielle Caefer (HM-A), Jonas Ciemny (HM-A), Lia Ciemny (GK-A,SK-A), Nicholette Cournoyer (HM-A), Julianne DeRouin (SK-A), Elizabeth Gonzalez (SK-A). LAWRENCE ACADEMY - Elizabeth Feinberg (HM-A), Katherine Jones (HM-A), Connor Kilian (HM-A), Bomi Kim (HM-A), Eun Kyung Noh (SK-W), Alexandra Vassilakos (SK-A), Julia Williamson (HM-A), Rebecca Wnuk (SK-A).

Hamilton HAMILTON-WENHAM REG. HIGH - Melissa Bain (HM-A), Juliette Chagnon (GK-A), Kara Goodyear (GK-A), Katelyn Hogan (GK-A), Griffen Hoyle (2HM-A), Jordan Lake (HM-A), Chloe Leigh (GK-AHM-A), Alyssa Pelletier (SK-A), Anthony Pham (GK-A), Anna Rourke (SK-A), Aaron Whitman (2HM-A). MILES RIVER MIDDLE SCHOOL - Emily Dearborn (HM-A). PINGREE SCHOOL - DaYoung Hong (2GK-A,3HM-A).

Hanover HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL - Jonathan Bubar (GK-A), Marina Goba (GK-A), Julie Kearns (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Olivia Merten (SK-A2HM-A), Micaela Nee (HM-A). HANOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL - Joe Byrne (SK-A), Emma Hardy (SK-A), Chloe Minnehan (SK-A), Kayla Orrick (HM-A).

Harvard BROMFIELD SCHOOL - Scott Blackwell (HM-A), Jared Gallivan (HM-A), Hannah Keaney (GK-AP), Nicholas Kronauer (GK-AP), James O’Shea (SK-A).

Harwich CAPE COD REGION VOC. TECH - Sean Dzenawagis (GK-ASK-A), Meghan Ruby (HM-A), Natasha Tsoleridis (SK-A). HARWICH HIGH SCHOOL - Marlee Galloway (HM-A), Abby Hanus (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Tiffani Harris (HM-A), Olivia Hoyland (HM-A), Bri Meehan (HM-A).

Haverhill HAVERHILL HIGH SCHOOL - Saida Avxhi (3SK-AHM-A), Melanie Billings (GK-A,2SK-A,2HM-A), Mary Haley (GK-A), Raymery Matrille Garcia (HM-A), Catherine Norris (GK-AP,SK-A,2HM-A), Charlotte Thomas (SK-A).

Hingham HINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL - Trevor Bates (SK-W2HM-W), Kerry Broderick (SK-A,SK-W), Emma Burr (HM-A), Michelle Chouinard (SK-A), Brittany Flaherty (HM-A), Monica Franquiz (2HM-W), Tj Freda (2GK-A2HM-A), Charlotte Hambley (2HM-A), Eleanore Happ (HM-A), James Heissner (SK-W), Julia McCabe (GK-A,HM-A), John McDonald (SK-A), Madeleine McMichael (2SK-A), Simon Merryweather (GK-W), Noelle Micarelli (SK-W), Maria Vardaro (GK-A), Alex Walker (GK-AP,GK-A), Ben Williamson (GK-AP,SK-A). NOTRE DAME ACADEMY SCHOOL - Annie Burke (GK-A), Caroline Casey (GK-A), Cassidy Cataldo (HM-W), Taylor Crimi (HM-A), Rachelle del Aguila (SK-A), Deirdre Gill (HM-A ), Erin Kelley (GK-A2HM-A), Julianne McShane (GK-W), Nina Murney (HM-A), Grace O’Donovan (2HM-A), Alexandra Oremus (GK-A,HM-A), Anya Petit (SK-A), Catherine Pitts (HM-A), Grace Pozniak (HM-A), Angela Talkowski (HM-A), Kathleen Teunan (SK-W), Tess Wenger (SK-A), Maeve Westwater (HM-A), Chrissy Wojner (GK-AP).

Holden MOUNTVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL - Julia Lucchesi (GK-A), Isabel Polletta (HM-A). WACHUSETT REG. HIGH - Allyson Bowker (HM-A), Austin Duffy (HM-A), Aidan Farrell (HM-A), Hillary Farrell (SK-A), Matthew Fitzpatrick Jr. (HM-A), Claire Frechette (2HM-A), Emily Garcia (2HM-A), Anna Hankins (HM-A), Olivia Harrington (SK-A), Jenny Hersh (HM-A), Joanne Kim (HM-A), Madeline Lindfors (2GK-A), Emily Moore (GK-PP2GK-A), Naomi Oka (SK-A), Tania Papandrea (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Nikki Purtle (SK-A), Matthew Schoffelmeer (HM-A), Julia Schwarz (SK-A), Dominique Seles (GK-AHM-A), Zoey Sloate (HM-A), Lingxiao Song (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Jordan Walker (HM-A), Rosalind Waltz-Peters (GK-A), Madeleine Welsch (SK-A), Erika Wilson (HM-A).

Holliston HOLLISTON HIGH SCHOOL - Erin Bishop (SK-W), Anna Coppelman (HM-A), Hannah Driscoll (HM-A), Avery Feloni (HM-A), Charlene Flynn (HM-A), Ashley Higgins (GK-A), Allie Keast (SK-A), Jillian Rosati (GK-A,HM-A), Meghan Willis (HM-A).

Hopkinton HOPKINTON HIGH SCHOOL - Katey Allen (SK-A), Ella Amaral (SK-A), Kayla Anderson (GK-A), Emilia Antoniades (HM-A), Ariane Apkarian (HM-A), Traci Arnold (HM-A), Abby Baer (SK-A), Lauren Ballantyne (GK-A), Grant Bellar (HM-A), Mackenzie Britt (GK-ASK-AHM-A), Olivia Canestrari (GK-A), Eliza Carroll (HM-A), Amanda Cataldo (HM-A), MaryKate Cavanaugh (HM-A), Drew Dawson (SK-A), Sam Esfahani (SK-A), Helen Gao (SK-A,HM-A), Hannah Green (SK-A), Evangeline Hachey (SK-A), Jane Hart (HM-A), Jaime Hinkel (SK-A,HM-A), Hannah Krueger (SK-A), Alix Livis (HM-A), Mike Mace (HM-A), Kaelynn Maloney (HM-A), Caroline Mann (HM-A), Victoria Munger (HM-A), MC Nealon (HM-A), Emily O’Connor (GK-A), Noa Reuveni (HM-A), Devan Savlon (GK-A), Megan Schmit (2HM-A), Kora Sileo (HM-A), Kelsey Smith (SK-AHM-A), Alexis Stefano (GK-A), Nicole Stetson (GK-A), Katherine Taggart (GK-A), Andrew Thomas (GK-A), Nicole Thomson (GK-A,2HM-A), Jillian Tomlinson (GK-A), Aleck Venegas (GK-A,HM-A), Kaylyn Venuto (SK-A,HM-A).

Hudson HUDSON HIGH SCHOOL - Celina Bacon (SK-AHM-A), Brandon Barney (2SK-A,HM-A), Jessica DuBois (SK-A), Kyah Eichholz (SK-W), Paige Erdige (HM-A), Sami Fallon (HM-A), Sofia Filippi (SK-A), Chandler Goodwin (2GK-A), Michael Kennedy (SK-A), Kayleigh Kenney (SK-AHM-A), Brooke LaFlamme (HM-A), Cassia Landry (SK-A), Ryan Leahy (HM-A), Kelci Lento (HM-A), Christy McGraw (HM-A), Tim McGraw (HM-A), Jaime Monteiro (HM-A), Lily Nicolazzo (SK-A), Jessica Pereira (HM-A), Lauren Priess (HM-A), Jeremy Saunders (SK-AA, Michaela Savell (SK-W2HM-WHM-A), Emily Tucker (GK-A), Alex Wood (GK-A).

Hull HULL HIGH SCHOOL - Devonte Riley (HM-A).

Hyannis BARNSTABLE HIGH SCHOOL - Sarula Bao (GK-A), Emma Boudreau (HM-A), Josh Brooks (GK-A), Sarah Dever (GK-A), Kelly Ferguson (SK-A,HM-A), Samuel Holway (HM-A), Molly Marcotte (3HM-A), Emma McMahon (GK-A), Mikal Post (HM-A), Gray Robinson (HM-A), Ella Sampou (HM-A), Maria Vicente (HM-A). POPE JOHN PAUL II HIGH SCHOOL - Josiah Boyar (HM-A), Andrew Eddy (HM-A), Angela MacLeod (HM-A), Kaitlin Remillard (2HM-A). ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PREP SCHOOL - Emma Cho (2GK-A), Danielle Demetriades (SK-A), Nicholas Glaser (HM-A), Nicholas Landry (HM-A), Will Landry (HM-A), Grace McInerney (SK-A,HM-A), Anne Smyth-Hammond (HM-A).

Ipswich IPSWICH HIGH SCHOOL - Emily Bradley (HM-A), Dan D’Agostino (HM-A), Robby Fay (HM-A), Rachel Glaubitz (HM-A), Megan Parrella (GK-A), Anna Pelletier (HM-A), Fallon Queeney (HM-A), Katie Story (HM-A). IPSWICH MIDDLE SCHOOL - Jessica Laddin (HM-A), Maggie Marsh (HM-A), Nora McMorrow (HM-A), Kendall Trepanier (GK-A).

Kingston SILVER LAKE REG. HIGH - Abigail Reddington (GK-A,SK-A,2HM-A).

Lakeville APPONEQUET REG. HIGH - Brinna Dessert (HM-A), Logan Roberts (SK-A).

Lawrence COMMUNITY DAY CHARTER PUBLIC - Diana Cepeda (HM-W), Shirley Crespo (HM-W), Christopher Gimas (HM-W), Michaela Gimas (SK-W), Jennifer Gonzalez (HM-A), Runairy Infante (HM-W). MATH, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - Dariana Guerrero (HM-W). PERFORMING AND FINE ARTS HIGH - Kristopher Farraher (GK-A), Yessica Galva (GK-A), Perla Genao (HM-A ), Samantha Gethers (GK-AHM-A), Kiara Pichardo (GK-A), Elizabeth Rennie (GK-A), Michael Santos (SK-A).

Lexington HOME SCHOOL - Heesoo Jeong (GK-A), Jung Pil Son (GK-AP,SK-A,HM-A). JONAS CLARKE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Ivy Gao (HM-A), Jae Ung Jang (SK-A), Jenna Krawczyk (SK-A ), Yeji Janey Lee (HM-A), Kyona Schacht (HM-A). LEXINGTON ARTS & CRAFT SOCIETY - Leah Buckley (HM-A), Joanna Garmon (SK-A), Elana Super (GK-A,SK-A), Joshua Yoskowitz (2HM-A). LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY - Cecelia Buckley (SK-A), Katherine Cebry (HM-A), Christine Kim (HM-A), Jennifer Krystiniak (HM-A), Kevin Lee (GK-A ), Marcus Madaus (SK-A), Corrie VanderBrug (HM-A), Asa Warf (GK-A,HM-A). LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - Michelle Batho (GK-APGK-AHM-A), Rami Benayad-Cherif (HM-A), Hanako Brais (HM-A), Patrick Burns (SK-A), Nancy Chomitz (SK-A), Charlotte Cohn (SK-A,HM-A), Jamie Fonarev (HM-A), Joanna Garmon (SK-A), Addison Gierkink (HM-A), Juliet Goodman (SK-A), Elise Goplerud (HM-A), Claire Huang (GK-A), Vincent Jerosch-Herold (GK-A), Dan Kim (HM-A), Audrey Li (SK-A), Netana Markovitz (HM-A), Aitana Martinez (SK-A), Moira McCavana (SK-A,HM-A), Ellen Meyers (SK-W), Yennie Mok (GK-A), Richard Oliveira Soens (2HM-A), Christopher Perry (SK-A), Shayna Rubenstein (GK-A), Daniel Sears (HM-A), Ching-Ching Shiue (HM-A), Jussi Silliman (HM-A), John Srour (SK-A), Victoria Suber (SK-A), Elana Super (SK-A), Angel Lina Tsai (HM-A), Alexandria Wright (SK-A), Jimmy Xia (GK-A), Annie Yang (GK-A), Lauren Yates (HM-A), Nancy Zhang (GK-A), Sarah Zhang (HM-W). LEXINGTON MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Charlotte Mines (2SK-W), Galen Rokosz (HM-W). WILLIAM DIAMOND MIDDLE - Sahil Belgaonkar (SK-A), Lauren Chan (HM-A), Cameron Cyr (HM-A), Alexandra Franks (HM-A).

Lincoln THE CARROLL SCHOOL - Sean Patrick Callahan (GK-A), Alec Randall (HM-A).

Littleton LITTLETON HIGH SCHOOL - Cendana Auger (GK-A2HM-A), Liza Fischer (HM-A), Emily Malone (SK-A), Caroline McCann (HM-A), Rene Morrison (HM-A), Caroline Provost (HM-A), Jenna Recco (SK-AHM-A), Hayley Yates (SK-A). LITTLETON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Haley Anderson (GK-A), Jessica Baron (HM-A), Henri Bouchard (HM-W), Katie Bradford (HM-W), Brian Cahill (HM-W), Jennie Casale (HM-A), Isabella Dripps (HM-W, HM-A), Jackie Feltus (HM-A), Kerry Hubbard (GK-W), Sylvia Jackson (HM-A), Brendon Jones (SK-A), Kaitlyn Leonard (SK-W), Lori McDonogh (SK-A), Jennifer Mueller (HM-W), Alissa Ostapenko (HM-W), Maddie Ragno (HM-A), Kristen Rebello (HM-A), Cassandra Rice (HM-A), Jessica Sorabella (GK-A), Hannah Tosi (GK-W), Elyse Veloria (HM-W), Micah Webster (SK-W).

Longmeadow LONGMEADOW HIGH SCHOOL - Daniel Barron (HM-A), Katie Besanko (GK-PP), Jacob Chernick (HM-A), Meredith Disessa (GK-AP), Greg Echeverria (HM-A), Sirena Gebeau (GK-PP,GK-A), Taylor Gordenstein (SK-A), Emma Haskell (GK-PP), Meghan Hurley (SK-A), Elise Kei-Rahn (HM-A), John Lee (2HM-A), Madeline McLean (GK-PP), Andreas Mueller (SK-AHM-A), Logan Skole (HM-A), Kayla Towsley (GK-PP).

Lowell HOME SCHOOL - Rebecca Dolan (2SK-A,HM-A). LOWELL HIGH SCHOOL - Sokpagna Chuon (GK-A,SK-A), Connor Crosby (SK-A), Alisa Do (HM-A), Kevin En (SK-A), Lyndsey Gunnulfsen (2HM-A), Austin Harvey (HM-A), Judith Konieczny (2HM-A), Chhovervorn Mien (HM-A), Tristyn Mitchell (SK-A), Sara Morency (HM-A), Hazel Ortiz (SK-AHM-A), Joshua Peters (SK-A), Brittany Phillips (HM-A), Julian Rojas (HM-A), Kenny Saravia (SK-A), Samantha Shemchuk (GK-A), Seriluck Siharaj (GK-AHM-A), Anthony Sullivan (GK-A), Shannon Walsh (SK-A).

Lynn LYNN ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL - Samantha Adams (2HM-A). ST. PIUS V SCHOOL - Nicole Coates (HM-A), Ava Ludwig (HM-A), Madalaine Quintiliani (SK-A), Alexander Sirois (HM-A ).

Lynnfield LYNNFIELD HIGH SCHOOL - Alexa Douglas (HM-A), Dana Greco (HM-A), Tori Lundblad (HM-A), Nicole Murphy (HM-A), Elise Orlowski (HM-A), Giavanna Pezzulo (GK-A ), Larisa Sahakian (HM-A), Samantha Shapleigh (HM-A).

Malden BEEBE SCHOOL - Nancy Otaluka (GK-W). MALDEN HIGH SCHOOL - Crystal Araiza (GK-A,SK-A), Annabelle Ramos (2HM-A). MYSTIC VALLEY REG CHARTER - Siohban Glynn (HM-A), Shirley He (HM-A), Amy Leigh Nickerson (HM-A), Rico St. Paul (HM-A), Chelsea Sutherland (SK-A).

Manchester BROOKWOOD SCHOOL - Micayla Casella (SK-A), James Collins (SK-A), Dan Gantt (HM-A), Joshua Kochawi (SK-A), Sam Lincoln (HM-A), Sarah McKean (HM-A), Anna Slingerland (2HM-A), Mae Viccica (HM-A). MANCHESTER ESSEX REG HIGH - Keith Blagden (GK-A), Anny Carr (GK-PP,HM-A), Alex Clarke (GK-PP), Kaitlin Cochand (GK-A), James Davis (GK-PP), Willy DeConto (GK-A,HM-A), Zac Fleming (HM-A), Rachael Gallagher (HM-A), Megan Gardner (SK-A,2HM-A), Chloe Gothie (GK-A), Calvin Lamothe (2HM-A), Sarah Lewiecki (GK-A), Melissa Moore (SK-A), Samantha Nieberle (GK-A), Jimmy Pappas (HM-A), Amanda Ryan (SK-A), Jamie Rynkowski (2HM-A), Madeline Smith (GK-A), Hannah Thorne (SK-A), Zack Trembowicz (HM-A), Julia Whitten (SK-A). MANCHESTER ESSEX REG. MIDDLE - Nicola Bothwick (SK-A), Connor Senay (HM-A), Maddie Shaw (HM-A).

Mansfield HAROLD L. QUALTERS MIDDLE - Haley Dunlap (HM-A). MANSFIELD HIGH SCHOOL - Veronica Boucher (GK-A), Julie Campbell (HM-A), Sid Chavan (SK-A), Breana Ferrara (HM-A ), Haley Lynch (2HM-A), Martin Reynolds (SK-A), Amanda Zacks (SK-A).

Marblehead MARBLEHEAD HIGH SCHOOL - Matthew Barrett (GK-A), Mikayla Bean (GK-A,SK-A), Jessica Beringer (SK-A), Brian Chow (GK-ASK-A), Sarah Cohen (2HM-A), MacKenzie Condon (GK-PP,2GK-A,SK-A), Kyra Crist (HM-A), Danielle DeVellis (HM-A), Tyler Foley (SK-A), Ally Healy (GK-PP2SK-AHM-A), Paul Himes (SK-A), Brian Hough (HM-A), Jonathan Ives (GK-AP2GK-A), Victoria Kearney (HM-A), Andrew Khun (HM-A), Rachel Larson (GK-A), Wheeler Law (HM-A), Deirdre Massaro (HM-A), Ian Mciver (HM-A), Lauren Nohelty (2HM-A), Abigail Nye (SK-A), Lauren Rogers (HM-A), Conrad Rousseau (SK-A), Nicole Shauffer (HM-A), Sam Sherman (GK-A), Alexandra Summers (SK-A,HM-A), James Wigglesworth (GK-A). MARBLEHEAD VETERANS MIDDLE - Rufino Balayo (HM-A), Kennedy Duddlesten (SK-A), Paige Elwell (HM-A), Cassie Riddle (GK-A).

Marion TABOR ACADEMY - Mark Blackwell (GK-A), Bojian Han (SK-A), Chan Kang (GK-A), Savannah Morrissey Martin (HM-A), Greta Wilsterman (HM-A).

Marlborough ADVANCED MATH & SCIENCE ACADEMY - Deeya Bhattacharya (3HM-A), Alli Caulfield (GK-A,2SK-A), Grace Ding (SK-A), Samhita Gurrala (HM-W), Anna Li (GK-A,HM-A), Daria Lugina (SK-A), Eliza Mendoza (HM-W), Selys Rivera (HM-W), Shebati Sengupta (GK-W,2HM-W), Amanda Stahl (SK-W), Joel Wilner (GK-W,SK-W,SK-A,2HM-A), Heather Wing (GK-A), Cassandra Xavier (HM-A). ASSABET VALLEY VOC HIGH - Rachel Auger (HM-A), Lucille Palmer (HM-A). MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Jennifer Bombard (SK-W), Sabrina Coelho (2HM-A), Kristine Fantasia (SK-W), Alexis Hettinger (GK-A,SK-A), Isabella Kundu (SK-W), Caroline Loveland (SK-W), Rachel Mager (2GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Jonathan Perry (SK-A), Grace Pisano (HM-A), Sarah Symes (SK-W), Russell Weed (HM-A), Brendan Wood (GK-W).

Marshfield MARSHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL - Ann Bumpus (SK-A), Martina Marconi (HM-A), Keenan McCarthy (GK-A), Michelle Ohlund (GK-A), Jillian Parrelli (SK-A), Tara Pearce (GK-A), Kayla Picard (GK-AHM-A), Katrina Raffa (SK-A), Alexa Roht (GK-A), Melissa Tilley (GK-A), Sarah Williams (GK-A,SK-A).

Maynard MAYNARD HIGH SCHOOL - Taylor Russo (HM-A).

Medfield MEDFIELD SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Amanda Borosavage (SK-AHM-A), Rachel Bozadjian (HM-A), Nicole Downing (HM-A), Sienna Fitzpatrick (HM-A), Abby Johnson (2HM-A), Dennis Krawec (SK-A), Morgan LaPlante (SK-AHM-A), Ryan Maloney (HM-A), Abigail McQuillian (HM-A), Abigail Michelson (GK-ASK-A), Paige Peckham (HM-A), Kara Pelosi (HM-A), Anne Scotti (GK-A), Kelsey Sipple (HM-A), Michelle Thomas (HM-A), Jacqueline Trudeau (HM-A). THOMAS BLAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Emily O’Grady (HM-A), Zak Tauscher (SK-A).

Medford MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Nicole Avella (HM-W), Kylie Baker (SK-W), Matthew Beckshaw (SK-W), Marissa Coit (GK-A), Carlos deOliveira (GK-A,HM-A), Jennifer Duong (HM-A,HM-W), Kayla Greeley (SK-WHM-A), Patricia Healion (HM-W), Kha Huynh (HM-W), Leanna Kantt (HM-W), Clare Kelley (SK-W), Winny Kwong Sito (HM-A,HM-W), Jeremy Martins (GK-A), Conor McGovern (HM-A), Cynthia Miguel (HM-W), Brennan Miller (SK-W), Abigail Morse (HM-W), Evan Nigro (HM-W), Shahrayz Shah (HM-W), Julia Shoop (SK-W ), Thomas Southwick (HM-W), Jagia Tamburini (SK-W), Callaghan Todhunter (GK-W), Christina Tran (GK-AP,SK-A,HM-A), Alyssa Valentyn (GK-W).

Medway MEDWAY HIGH SCHOOL - Colin Ashen (HM-A), Hannah Doucette (SK-A), Morgan Harris (HM-A), Madison Holland (HM-A).

Melrose MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL - Kevin Carmichael (GK-A), Rachel Feraco (HM-A), Jessie Horne (HM-A), Chloe Meck (HM-A), Cole O’Brien (HM-A), Jessica Reyes (HM-A), Cynthia Tran (HM-A), Francesca Whittier (HM-A).

Mendon MISCOE HILL SCHOOL - Michelle Arsenault (SK-A), Armand Cote (HM-A), Jillian Penfield (SK-A), Somaiya Rowland (HM-A), Carly Thibodeau (HM-A).

Methuen METHUEN HIGH SCHOOL - James Conner-Myers (HM-A), Jonathan Henriquez (2HM-A), Teko Koga (SK-A), James Paquette (SK-A), Derrick Wong (HM-A).

Middleborough JOHN T. NICHOLS MIDDLE SCHOOL - Meghan Greenlaw (HM-A), Jacob Robbins (HM-A). MIDDLEBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Leah Gilbode (2SK-A), Erica Wood (SK-A).

Milford MILFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Laura Kacir (HM-A), Samantha Morrissey (HM-A), Brian Nogueira (3HM-A). MILFORD MIDDLE EAST - Matthew Braz (HM-A), Joan Donahue (HM-A), Erin Fleming (GK-W), Alex Hastings (HM-A), Carolainne Rodrigues Pereira (HM-A), Rachael Smith (HM-A).

Millbury ASSUMPTION SCHOOL - Mark Holmes (HM-W), Connor Martin (HM-W), Emily Narel (GK-W), Sarah Vanasse (SK-W).

Milton CS PIERCE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Mairead Dambruch (SK-A), Anne Marie Grudem (HM-A), Joshua Kery (SK-A), Lily Melby (HM-A), Kaitlin Reed (2HM-A). DELPHI ACADEMY - Rahel Demissie (2HM-A), Penda Osborne (HM-A), Gabrielle Whittle (HM-A). FONTBONNE ACADEMY - Maura Healy (GK-A), Julia Himmel (2GK-A,SK-A), Hae Ran Lee (4GK-A,2HM-A), Haejung Mun (HM-A), Dabota Wilcox (GK-A), Yutong Xue (SK-A,HM-A). MILTON ACADEMY - Nicole Acheampong (3GK-W), Rachael Allen (GK-W), Robin Chakrabarti (HM-W), Haeyeon Cho (GK-WP), Isabel Tze Chen Chun (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Eleanor Day (GK-W), Kirby Feagan (HM-A), Yiqin Fu (SK-W), Hannah Grace (GK-WP,HM-W), Lucie Hajian (GK-ASK-A), Bum Jin Kim (SK-A), Juwon Kim (GK-WP), Kat Kulke (SK-W), Karintha Lowe (GK-WP), Osaremen Okolo (GK-W,SK-W,HM-W), Shannon Reilly (GK-WSK-W), Lily Steig (HM-W), Cary Williams (2GK-W). MILTON HIGH SCHOOL - Gino Benjamin (HM-A), Renee Chiu (HM-A), Margaretta Goltz (SK-A), Emma Jehanno (GK-APHM-A), Evan Jones (HM-A), Caeleigh MacNeil (HM-A), Bridget Mahan (GK-PPGK-A), Aoife Quinn (GK-A).

Natick NATICK HIGH SCHOOL - Noah Dienel (HM-W), Victoria Lewandowski (HM-A), Cassandra Manheimer (HM-A), Juliana Van Amsterdam (HM-A). WALNUT HILL SCHOOL - Allison Avila-Olivares (HM-W), Min Kyong Baek (2GK-ASK-AHM-A), Kaiyuh Cornberg (SK-W,HM-W), Emily Kessler (SK-W), Adea Lennox (HM-W), Courtney McCain (2GK-W), Casey Murtagh (HM-W), Shelly Pires (GK-W). WILSON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Emma Foley (HM-W).

Needham HOME SCHOOL - Grace Sexton (SK-A). NEEDHAM HIGH SCHOOL - Zach Abdalian (HM-A), Sarah Arnold (HM-A), Noah Baker (2GK-A), Nina Baron (GK-A), Hannah Behar (GK-A ), Hannah Bleakney (HM-A), Ali Campbell (2GK-A), Charlotte Caron (HM-A), Victoria Chen (HM-A), Alyssa Connors (GK-AVN,GK-PP,SK-W), Hannah Corderman (SK-A), Zilin Cui (HM-A), Lora Doerfer (GK-PP), Paul Franceschi (SK-A), Andrew Fuchs (GK-AHM-A), Ellen Garrett-Engele (HM-A), Rachel Hantman (HM-A), William Haynes (GK-A ), Aleksandra Kerbel (GK-APHM-A), Helena Kleinschmidt (GK-A,SK-A), Erica Koljonen (HM-A), Matthew Lerner (HM-A), Grace Li (GK-A), Noah Mertz (2HM-A), Emily Mogavero (SK-AHM-A), Karl Munstedt (GK-A), Bella Nikom (GK-A), Beatrice O’Connell (SK-A), Emily Pasternack (GK-A), Kathryn Santaniello (HM-A), Tamar Segev (2SK-A), Meaghan Shea (GK-A), Sophie Shimazu (SK-A), Latika Sridhar (GK-APSK-A), Mark Tracy (2HM-A), Lydia Tsouridis (HM-A), Julia Tyler (HM-A), Tyler Villa (HM-A). POLLARD MIDDLE SCHOOL - James Benner (HM-A), John Benner (HM-A), Collins Bosah (HM-A), Rebecca Francesconi (HM-A), John Gnieski (SK-A), sofia Nastri (HM-A), Albert Xu (SK-A), Emily Zhang (SK-A). ST. SEBASTIAN’S SCHOOL - Malcolm Donaldson (GK-AHM-A), Mark Lane (HM-W), Joseph Tamburello (HM-A).

Newburyport NEWBURYPORT HIGH SCHOOL - Taylor Abatiell (SK-A), Emma Bartol (HM-A), Jordan Bensley (GK-A,HM-A), Felicia Boschetto (HM-A), Brendan Byron (SK-A), Charley Cabral (HM-A), Nora Casey (GK-A), Ella Clayton (2SK-A), Gabrielle Cole (HM-A), Kelly Conway (HM-A), Kellie Delande (HM-A), Connor Gravelle (2GK-A), Delaney Hulbert (HM-A), Olivia Jackson (GK-A), Marley Maginnis (SK-A), Elise Ogden (SK-A), Blake Quintal (HM-A), Steven Simkins (HM-A).

Newton BIGELOW MIDDLE SCHOOL - Ruby Mayer (GK-A), Jessica Pullen-Schmidt (HM-A), Victoria Yong (SK-A). C.E. BROWN MIDDLE SCHOOL - Melanie Egan (HM-A), Rachel Honisberg (HM-A), Josh Hurwitz (HM-A). CLEARWAY SCHOOL - Isaiah Berson (GK-A), Mrianda Quinn (HM-A), Ben Rodwin (GK-A), Ilana Skvirsky (HM-A). FESSENDEN SCHOOL - Chung Un Lee (HM-A). MOUNT ALVERNIA HIGH SCHOOL - Cinzia Presti (HM-A). NEWTON COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL - Elizabeth Erler (HM-A), Monet Eugene (HM-A), Molly Gilligan (SK-A), Lisa Hillerich (HM-A), Sarah Kelleher (GK-A), Anne Lee (GK-W), Ingrid Marquardt (SK-A,HM-A), Ellie McLaughlin (SK-A), Camilla Ora (HM-A), Lauren Poppenhagen (GK-A ), Kim Saunders (2HM-A), Blair Seiler (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A). NEWTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL - Maggie Abed (HM-A), Emily Bader (HM-A), Nayomi Cawthorne (HM-A), Bonnie Chen (HM-A), Pamela Chen (HM-A), Winnie Chen (HM-A), Jacqueline Comstock (HM-A), Meagan Crowley (HM-A), Sam Davis (2HM-A), Malini Gandhi (2SK-W), Evelyn Golden (GK-AP,GK-A), Jenny Hamilton (SK-A), Abby Holtzman (GK-WP), Lior Percher (HM-A), Nellie Robinson (GK-AP,GK-A), Maria Romero-Creel (HM-A), Isabelle Rosenblatt (HM-A), Emma Rosenfield (GK-A), Daniel Seaward (SK-A), Shoshana Stanger (HM-A), Gwendolyn Stoll (HM-A), Amalia Sweet (GK-AHM-A), Emma Tavolieri (SK-A), Danielle Wasson (SK-A), Ivan Wolyniec (SK-A), Natsuko Yamagata (HM-A). NEWTON SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - Lauren Ashbrook (HM-A), Jasper Barbash-Taylor (HM-A), Yoonchan Choi (GK-W,SK-W), Charles Egan (HM-A), George Emmanouilidis (SK-A), Sylvie Evans (GK-AP,GK-A,HM-A), Gianna Fernandes (HM-A), Corey Friedman (GK-A), Yonatan Gazit (SK-A), Ellie Goldsmith (HM-A), Olivia Hamilton (SK-A), Patricia Ho (HM-A), Andrew Hutner (SK-A), Timothy Jiang (GK-AP,SK-A), Stefani Karr (GK-PP), Olivia Kennis (GK-A), Nicole Kestenberg (GK-PP,GK-A,SK-A), Benjamin Korsh (GK-AP), Jaclyn Lebovits (GK-PPSK-A), Alessandra Lewis (HM-A), Michal Lieberman (SK-A), Clara Lorant (GK-PPSK-A), Adam Macalister (GK-AP,2GK-A,SK-A), Cecilia MacArthur (GK-A), Jay Pawa (GK-A), Michaela Regehr (HM-A), Maxwell Simon (2SK-A), Jonathan Stricker (GK-A), Lindsey Walters (SK-A), Elena West (HM-A), Frances Yang (HM-A). OAK HILL MIDDLE SCHOOL - Sophie Galowitz (HM-A), Daniel Konviser (SK-A), YoElena Tkebuchava (GK-W).

Norfolk KING PHILIP MIDDLE SCHOOL - Sedona Claypoole (SK-W).

North Andover NORTH ANDOVER HIGH SCHOOL - Ophelia Deng (SK-A), Sarah Jung (HM-A), Luke Lombardo (GK-A).

North Attleborough NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Sarah Figueiredo (HM-A). NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH MIDDLE - Megan Berube (SK-A), Kaitlyn Blanchard (HM-A), Brianna Chamberlain (GK-A ), Kaitlyn Cullen (HM-A), Emily Dold (SK-A), Angela Dufault (HM-A), Lilly Fernandes (GK-A), Vanessa Frost (GK-A), Alyssa Gallagher (HM-A), Davin MacDonald (GK-A), Emily McConville (SK-A), Ally Mueller (HM-A), Chris Mullaney (SK-A), Eric Ruest (HM-A), Zach Shelton (SK-A), Abigail Sterling (SK-A), Christopher West (SK-A), Julius Willis (HM-A).

Northampton NORTHAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL - Anna Ashe-Simmer (2HM-A), Johanna Renard (HM-A), Joan Sullivan (GK-A,SK-A).

Northborough ALGONQUIN REG. HIGH - Laura Bravo (SK-A), Sam Chase (GK-A), Erik Fuller (HM-A), Olivia Giorlandino (GK-A), Kelsey Harvey (HM-A), Kaitlyn Labich (SK-A), Eliza Malecki (HM-A), Katherine Meng (HM-A), Luke Morrell (HM-A), Holly Pim (HM-A), Alexa Potenza (SK-A,HM-A), Melissa Taing (2HM-A), Chelsey Thompson (HM-A), Claudia Weaver (HM-A), Samuel Wheeler (GK-A).

Norton NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIAN - Samantha OKeefe (HM-W). NORTON HIGH SCHOOL - Eric Sanford (HM-A).

Norwell NORWELL HIGH SCHOOL - Anna Barger (HM-A), Laura Barrett (HM-A), Rebecca Bates (HM-A), Megan Carmody (SK-A), Emily Milliken (HM-A), Katelyn Sheehan (HM-A), Sabrina Smith (HM-A), Katherine Snyder (HM-A), Allison Weiler (GK-A). SOUTH SHORE CHARTER SCHOOL - Emma Burns (HM-A), Ellis Gilbert (HM-A), Madjany Lamour (HM-A ), Grace Moore (GK-A), Izabella Vital (HM-A), Maddie White (GK-A).

Norwood DR. PHILIP O. COAKLEY MIDDLE - Nicholas Jabour (SK-A), Sarah Meltzer (SK-A), Monica Vieira (SK-A). NORWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - Devin Bartlett (SK-A), Hoprah Exavier (GK-A), Joseph Flaherty (HM-A), Chelsey Gundlach (2GK-A), Daniel Lasalvia (HM-A), Rebecca Leanos (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Liana Lewis (SK-A), Natalie Looney (HM-A), Caroline O’Day (HM-A), Jesse Perry (SK-A), Bailey Sheehan (SK-A), Isaac Wood (HM-A). ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA ELEM. - Nathaniel Newman (GK-A).

Oak Bluffs MARTHAS VINEYARD REG. HIGH - Chantal Booker (SK-A), Bradley Carroll (HM-A), Samantha Chaves (HM-A), Sadie Dix (GK-ASK-A), Lauren Dostal (GK-A), Aoife Estes (GK-W,2HM-W,HM-A), Skylah Forend (GK-A), Leah Fortes (GK-A), Colby Gouldrup (HM-A), Sarah Gruner (SK-W), Annabelle Hackney (GK-W), Lucy Hackney (HM-A), Charlotte Hall (SK-AHM-A), Fionnuala Howell (GK-A), Christine Janak (2HM-A), Kyle Joba-Woodruff (SK-AHM-A), Ella Mahoney (GK-A), Raine Monast (HM-A), Hannah Moore (GK-ASK-A2HM-A), Charlotte Potter (GK-A), Lila Quinn (SK-A), Raz Sayre (SK-A), Caitlin Serpa (HM-A), Truda Silberstein (GK-PP), Isabel Smith (HM-A), Sara Thompson (HM-A), Samantha Valley (4HM-W).

Osterville CAPE COD ACADEMY - Tori Callahan (HM-A), Phoebe Goldenberg (2GK-W), Kelly Keen (SK-A), Will McCutcheon (GK-A), Jack Simon (GK-A), Abby Yeomans (HM-A), Christian Young (SK-A,HM-A).

Oxford OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Jaime Brodeur (HM-A), Ryan Donovan (SK-A), Nicole Dupuis (HM-A), Lisa Iudiciani (HM-A), Kyra Landgren (SK-A), Anissa White (SK-A).

Palmer PALMER HIGH SCHOOL - Laurel Boser (SK-A), Derek Tripp (HM-A).

Peabody BISHOP FENWICK HIGH SCHOOL - Liana Andrade (GK-A), Mackenzie Borowski (HM-A), Christine Colpitts (GK-AP,GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Taylor Cunningham (3GK-W), Marlena DiMattia (HM-A), Erin Griffin (HM-A), Powers Hommel (GK-AP2GK-ASK-AHM-A), Samantha Keiran (SK-A), Jen Langis (HM-A), Amy Manzi (HM-A), Gina Mudge (GK-A), Ryan O’Donnell (SK-A), Stephanie Peter (GK-A), Lydia Peverada (HM-A), Haley Phelan (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Amanda Pollard (HM-A), Sara Primo (2SK-A,2HM-A), Jessica Scialdone (HM-A), Jacqueline Silva (2HM-A), Hannah Smith (HM-A), Emma Symonds (SK-A.HM-W), Alicia Tatone (SK-W), Matthew Tremblay (HM-A). COVENANT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY - Emma Carlson (GK-A), Moriah Gross (HM-A), Anna MacDowell (SK-A). PEABODY VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGH - Jared Adams (SK-A), Victoria Arons (GK-A,HM-A), Christina Catucci (HM-A), Justin Cimon (HM-A), Gabrielle D’Avolio (SK-A), Theresa Dennehy (SK-A), Janea Duby (HM-A), Mikala Farley (HM-A), Desiree Ferreras (SK-A), Emily Kwong (SK-A), Tori Leazott (SK-A), Jordan McGonigle (2HM-A), Brittany McIntire (HM-A), Matthew Meserve (2GK-A,HM-A), Catarina Rocha (GK-A), Carly Rosen (HM-A), Jose A Tejada (SK-A,HM-A), Alyssa Thomas (GK-A), Shannon Walsh (SK-A).

Pembroke PEMBROKE HIGH SCHOOL - Kyle Ahola (HM-A), Jordan Berry (HM-A), Kaitlyn Clark (HM-A), Jessica Hegenberrger (GK-A), Ashley Kane (SK-W,HM-W), Laura Martynowski (HM-A), Nathan Petkus (HM-A), Samantha Rhode (HM-A), Mathew Schuetz (GK-A), Danielle Tom (SK-A).

Pittsfield MISS HALL’S SCHOOL - Tae Kyung Jeon (GK-A), Hyun Jung Jung (HM-A), Yung- Hsin Liu (SK-A), Maggie Meisberger (SK-A), Morgan Schuler (SK-A,2HM-A).

Pittsfield ST. MARK SCHOOL - Andy Cella (HM-W), Katelyn Clark (HM-W), Kate Wiles (SK-W).

Plymouth PLYMOUTH NORTH HIGH SCHOOL - Trudy Bryant (SK-A), Shawn Flanagan (HM-A), Leslie Morón (SK-A), Katelyn Petrell (SK-A). PLYMOUTH SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - Jessica Buckley (SK-A), Emily Clines (HM-A), Connor Hanson (SK-A), Kathryn Hoar (2HM-A), Michelle Newell (SK-A), Emily Okraska (SK-A), Hayley Pike (HM-A), Maureen Riordan (HM-A), Tyler Scagliarini (HM-A), Austin Vico (HM-A). PLYMOUTH SOUTH MIDDLE - Abigail Chetwynd (HM-A), Renee Melisse (HM-A). RISING TIDE CHARTER SCHOOL - Shannon Kelsey (SK-W), Eilir Milsted (HM-W).

Prides Crossing LANDMARK SCHOOL - Alex Belyea (HM-A), Phoebe Britton (GK-A), Pelagia Candelas (GK-A,HM-A), Sam Cusson (GK-A), Katie Dirico (HM-A), Sarah Dirico (2HM-A), Meghan Doolan (HM-A), Nate Douglass (HM-A), Maddie Ferry (HM-A), Lia Giber (GK-A), Oliver Hatch (SK-A,HM-A), Ashley Holmes (SK-A), Abby Kennelly (GK-A), Natalie Mack (GK-A), Julia Malynn (HM-A), Chloe Mills (SK-AHM-A), Joseph Sevelitte (SK-W), Sophie Southwick (2GK-A,SK-A), Zachary Staude (GK-A), Nora Sullivan (SK-A), Zachary Webster (GK-A,HM-A), Isabel Winston (HM-A), Olivia Wise (SK-A).

Quincy QUINCY HIGH SCHOOL - Denissa Touma (SK-A).

Reading A.W. COOLIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Isabel Azevedo (HM-A), Juliann LeBlanc (HM-A). READING MEM. HIGH SCHOOL - Cinzia Ballantyne (GK-PP), Maureen Baynes (HM-A), Rosalia Fodera (GK-A), Kyle Krupa (SK-A), Amy Lane (SK-A), Kelleigh Matrullo (GK-PP), Leah McReynolds (GK-AP,GK-A).

Revere IMMACULATE CONCEPTION - Samantha Hartman (HM-A), Brianna Ravida (HM-A). REVERE HIGH SCHOOL - Jaileen Andino (HM-A), Faiza Labeche (HM-A), Jaime Montezuma (GK-A,SK-A), Ermina Muslija (HM-A), Raquel Neary (SK-A), Channtha Neat (HM-A), Kevin Salinas (SK-A), Jorge Tejada (HM-A), Kortney Trudel-Goss (HM-A).

Rockland ROCKLAND HIGH SCHOOL - Maureen Garrity (HM-A). ROCKLAND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Kerri Hallisey (HM-A).

Salem SALEM HIGH SCHOOL - Clare AuBuchon (GK-A), Kayla Benoit (SK-A), Nathan Bertone (3HM-A), Brusela Calderon (HM-A), Jaquleine Carvalho (SK-A), J’aime Clark (HM-A ), Grace Davis (SK-A), Yaritza Delgado (HM-A), Matt Jalbert (SK-A), Brianna Mangiacotti (HM-A), Julie Nguyen (2HM-A), Ashley Rene (HM-A), Sydney Rhodes (SK-A), Shyla Stokes (HM-A), Catherine Twomey (SK-A).

Scituate INLY SCHOOL - Alexa Batta-Reu (HM-A). SCITUATE HIGH SCHOOL - Fiona Amelang (HM-A), Madelyn Anthony (HM-A), Melanie Coan (GK-A), Kristin Coleman (HM-A), Mark DelGrosso (GK-A), Ariel Dickerman (HM-A), Tracey Duffey (HM-A), Delaney Ferry (HM-A), Stephanie Jones (2SK-A,HM-A), Kathleen Lydon (GK-A), Jessie McLevedge (HM-A), Morgan Moore (HM-A), Sophie Mulcahy (HM-A), Alyssa Pasini (HM-A), Marina Pedini (HM-A), Jonathan Ricci (2GK-A), Sean Rielly (SK-A), Rebecca Short (HM-A ), Desiree Snyder (HM-A), Meredith Sullivan (HM-A), Rachel Tripp (HM-A).

Sharon ART STUDIO 58 - Shaya Sosis (SK-A,HM-A). SHARON HIGH SCHOOL - Jollene Allen (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Elaina Cho (HM-A), Elise Commons (HM-A), Samantha Katz (HM-A ), Nicole Kurlyandchik (SK-A), Lydia Utter (2HM-W), Nyomi Warren (GK-A), Angela Zhang (SK-A), Michael Zornberg (HM-A). SHARON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Hope Gundlah (HM-A), Heather Seggelin (SK-A), Hannah Wolfe (GK-A).

Sheffield BERKSHIRE SCHOOL - Mohibullah Amin (SK-A), Samuel Cabot (SK-A,HM-A), Roya Daemi (HM-A), Anna Driscoll (GK-AHM-A), Anna Graebner (GK-A), Jennifer Grogan (GK-A ), Hunter Lucey (SK-A), Milton Martinez (SK-A), Olivia Mason (GK-A), Phuong Nguyen (GK-A), Blake Polizzi (HM-A), Ji Won Ryoo (GK-A,HM-A), Samuel Sabin (SK-A), Noah Sinkoff (SK-A), Katherine Sweeney (GK-AP), Cody Turner (GK-A), Rhiannon Vanderbeek (HM-A), Xiyue Wang (HM-A).

Shrewsbury OAK MIDDLE SCHOOL - Eunice Choi (2GK-A,2SK-A). SHREWSBURY SENIOR HIGH - Lin Astill (HM-A), Natalie Benjamin (GK-A), Gustavas Burba (HM-A), Alexandra Chan (SK-A), Claudia Chan (SK-A), Shanting Chen (HM-A), Olivia Demkowicz (HM-A), Kelley Dillon (HM-A), Teagan Flint (2SK-A), Camille Gerard (SK-A), Maria Ginisi (HM-A), Ethan Goldman (GK-A), Hannah Hopkins (SK-A), Deanna Ineson (HM-A), Courtney Kenefick (HM-A), Jordan Kennedy (SK-A), Catherine Linh (HM-A), Jenna Maksian (HM-A), Hannah Masek (HM-A), Chloe McCollum (HM-A), Marie-Laure Miro (SK-A), Sarah Russell (2HM-A), Juliana Sontgerath (HM-A), Sarah Swanson (HM-A), Deanna Tonelli (HM-A), Caroline Trabucco (HM-A), Liliana Urso (HM-A), Filia Van Dessel (GK-A,SK-A).

Somerset SOMERSET HIGH SCHOOL - Miranda Berube (2SK-A), Tess Burns (SK-A), Alayna Cabral (GK-AP), Andrea Cabral (GK-AP), Allison Camara (GK-A), Courtney Dobrott (HM-A), Julia Ferreira (HM-A), Hannah Lima (GK-A), Michaela MacPherson (SK-A,HM-A), Meagan Pacheco (SK-A), Lia Pimento (SK-A).

Somerville A.F. ARGENZIANO SCHOOL LINCOLN - Yaritza Funes (HM-A), Larissa Levasseur (HM-A), Jennifer McAllister (HM-A). EAST SOMERVILLE COMMUNITY - Christian Santos (SK-A), Samira Teixeira (HM-A). JOHN F. KENNEDY SCHOOL - Yuenning Che (SK-AHM-A), Kaleigh Conte (GK-A), Megan Leininger (HM-A), Michelle Magalhaes (HM-A), Miranda Smelcer (HM-A). SOMERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL - K.C. Subhankar (SK-AHM-A), Olena Tkachenko (SK-A), Anastasiya Paramonava (HM-A). WEST SOMERVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD - Samantha Fourtounis (GK-A).

South Grafton SOHO ART CENTER - Jhi seung Hahn (GK-AVNGK-A2SK-AHM-A), Justin Jang (GK-A).

Southborough ST. MARK’S SCHOOL - Jisoo Hwang (GK-ASK-A2HM-A), Ga Young Kim (GK-A), Min Jae Kim (SK-W,2HM-W), Yeong Seo Park (SK-W).

Springfield SPRINGFIELD CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - Phung Bui (GK-A), Meagan Churchill (HM-A), Deliana Donnelly (HM-A), Matthew Gregory (SK-A), Cuong Huynh (HM-A), Rachel Poirier (GK-A), Joshua Thornton (HM-A). SPRINGFIELD RENAISSANCE SCHOOL - Edward Brown (HM-W), Hakeem Hopper-Collins (HM-W).

Stoneham STONEHAM HIGH SCHOOL - Dylan Badger (SK-AHM-A), Sarah Mendonca (HM-A).

Stoughton STOUGHTON HIGH SCHOOL - Amanda Carlow (HM-A), Johnna Costello (HM-A), Alec DeNapoli (2SK-A), Shannon Hickey (GK-A), Mathew MacDonald (GK-PP), Nicholas Selby (HM-A ), Emma Sinkus (GK-A), Julia Sjoquist (GK-A).

Sudbury EPHRAIM CURTIS MIDDLE SCHOOL - Anna Cass (HM-A), Kathryn Gatke (SK-A), Anna Reck (HM-A), Sam Shealy (GK-A2SK-AHM-A), Makayla Ward (GK-A), Rachel Wiesler (SK-A). LINCOLN-SUDBURY REG. HIGH - Lucy Alexander (SK-W), Adam Blake (GK-AP), Emma Bodell (SK-A), William Carlough (SK-W), Taylor Dawson (HM-A), Aimee DeArias (GK-A), Maryrachel Durso (HM-A), Sophie-Louise Forest (HM-A), Samantha Katcher (HM-A), Emily Kawola (HM-A), Sung Kim (HM-A), Alec Kotikian (SK-A,HM-A), Helen Montie (SK-A), Patrick Mullin (HM-A), Annika Nygren (HM-W), Erica Skye Schaaf (SK-A), Max Shashoua (GK-A), Jodie Shea (SK-W), Sarah Strangie (GK-W), Alan Van Dijk (SK-A), Elizabeth Wolozin (HM-W), Emma Yeager (SK-A).


Swansea JOSEPH CASE HIGH SCHOOL - Joseph Barreira (HM-A), Kathryn Farinha (HM-A), Carolyn Teves (HM-A). JOSEPH CASE JUNIOR HIGH - Spencer Royds (HM-A).

Taunton COYLE & CASSIDY HIGH SCHOOL - Sarah Como (2HM-A), Sarah Horn (HM-A), Mercedes Lamb (HM-A), Megan Ritchie (SK-A). TAUNTON HIGH SCHOOL - Coralyn Almeida (SK-A), Xandra Bonanca (HM-A), Erin Boudreau (HM-A), Brian Boyer (GK-A), Colleen Daugherty-Costa (HM-A), Carly Giannini (3HM-A), Sara Hincapie (HM-A), Nicolette Leach (SK-A), Michael Leonard (SK-A,2HM-A), Christine Maze (HM-A), Madison McCaffrey (HM-A), Elizabeth McEleney (2HM-A), Shea Mizuno (HM-A), Girard Pike (SK-A), Mollie Salamon (HM-A), Amy Santos (SK-A), Falyn St Martin (SK-A2HM-A), Nicholas Stillman (GK-A), Joshua Tenreiro (HM-A), Nicole Wezowicz (SK-A,HM-A).

Tewksbury TEWKSBURY MEM. HIGH SCHOOL - Caitlin Dunn (SK-AHM-A), Esther Ou (2HM-A), Matthew Rauseo (SK-A).

Topsfield MASCONOMET REG. HIGH - Kelsey Ahern (SK-A), Marissa Angelone (GK-AP,SK-A), Cody Arrington (GK-PP.SK-A,HM-A), Dana Balek (HM-A), Kirsten Beard (GK-AP,SK-A), Lucia Bisalti (GK-A), Charlotte Bleiler (HM-A), Lonelee Brogna (HM-A), Natalie Brown (HM-A), Jonathan Cabour (GK-A2SK-A), Virakchey Chhung (GK-A), Magdalene Coleman (GK-A), Gabriella DeConti (GK-W), Claire Dew (GK-A), Hannah Elliott-Higgins (GK-AP,GK-A,2HM-A), Laurel Epps (HM-A), Ramon Espinal (GK-AP,HM-A), Carolyn Fisk (2HM-A), Kayleigh Frampton (2HM-A), Jessica Giacchino (GK-A), Haley Greenslade (HM-W), Noah Greenstein (GK-A), Whitney Hatfield (HM-A), Julia Hayden (SK-A), Roscoe Hayden (HM-A), Catherine Headrick (HM-A), Michael Healey (GK-PP), Emma Hibbard (HM-A), Charles Hoesly (GK-AP,GK-A,SK-A), Jeton Hoxha (HM-A), Rachel Jaworski (SK-A), Eli Jefferson (GK-AP), Erin Johnson (HM-A), Mariah Kelly (GK-AP2GK-ASK-AHM-A), Grace Knight (SK-A), Morgan Mellinger (GK-PP), Chris Mena (GK-AP), Audrey Mirabito (HM-A), Dean Mirabito (HM-A), John Mizzoni (SK-A), Liz Olcott (HM-A), Jeff Panella (HM-A), Bianca Patch (GK-AP), Hailey Pepper (HM-A), Amy Puffer (SK-A), Brooke Rauseo (HM-A), Dylan Runnion (GK-PP,GK-AP,GK-A), Emma Rutstein (2HM-A), Paige Ryan (2HM-A), Karlene Santosuosso (SK-A), Emily Schultz (HM-A), Paige Shippie (GK-AHM-A), Abigail Silvio (GK-AP,HM-A), Alexa Simmons (HM-A), Brooke Stewart (GK-APGK-A2SK-A), Rebecca Stone (GK-A), Amanda Tapparo (GK-PP), Kate Theodoridis (GK-A), Christina Torlone (2SK-A), Christopher Turner (SK-A), Anastas Varinos (GK-AP), Madelyn Warner (HM-A), Madeline Wigon (GK-AP,SK-A). MASCONOMET REG. MIDDLE - Nicholas Arcari (SK-A), Louis Brogna (SK-A), Jon Burbank (HM-A), Lauren Capron (SK-A), Celia Carbone (HM-A), Jillian Cardarelli (HM-A), Daniel Cosgrove (SK-A), Lucie Farnham (HM-A), Abigail Greenslade (GK-A), Dierze Kaitlin (SK-A), Arin Kim (HM-A), Julianna Laverdiere (HM-A), Andrew Musiak (HM-A), Andrew Peary (HM-A), Katy Pelletier (HM-A), Ayla Pitts (SK-A), Brianna Proulx-Walter (HM-A), Mia Scarpa (GK-A,HM-A), Isabella Scarpone (SK-A), Sarah Scherbak (HM-A ), Cali Simmons (HM-A), Lauren Sorel (HM-A), Menna Teffera (GK-A), Corey Tines (2GK-A). THE ARTROOM - Abbi Andrews (HM-A), Jennifer Cha (2GK-A), Taylor DeMent (HM-A), Carolyn Fisk (GK-AHM-A), Brian Gallagher (SK-A), Emily Hayden (HM-A), Julia Kim (SK-A).

Townsend NORTH MIDDLESEX REG. HIGH - Emily Francis (HM-A), Zachary Mafera (SK-A,2HM-A).

Tyngsborough GR. LOWELL REGIONAL VOC. TECH - Jessica Araujo (HM-A), Jessica Hernandez (SK-A), Christina Pare (SK-A). TYNGSBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Christine Meyer (HM-A).

Upton NIPMUC REG. HIGH - Eric Brodeur (SK-AHM-A), Kelsey Campbell (HM-A), Katherine Halsing (GK-A), Molly King (HM-A), Emily Martin (SK-A), Joshua Noreau (SK-A,HM-A), Celia Taylor (SK-A), Kendal Till (HM-A), Rose Wiklund (HM-A).

Wakefield WAKEFIELD MEM HIGH SCHOOL - Rachel Antonuccio (HM-A), Jennifer Baytler (HM-A), Connor Beebe (HM-A), Jacquelyn Carriere (SK-A), Nenita Hiller (3HM-A), Lauren Ireland (HM-A), Ryan Kostopoulos (HM-A), Laura Martone (HM-A), Samantha Morris (HM-A), Sarah Mullen (HM-A), Joseph Pacitto (HM-A), Jordan Ringdahl (GK-AP,GK-A,HM-A), Matt Surette (HM-A), James Whalen (GK-AVN), Brittany Whipple (HM-A).

Walpole BIRD MIDDLE SCHOOL - Kyle Baker (HM-A), Kirstin Barber (HM-A), Kelli Celentano (GK-A), Brianna Harper (SK-A), Marie Kelland (HM-A), Myles Kraus (HM-A), Kelsey Mazzocca (HM-A), Sophie Nemec (SK-A), Mia Straccia (HM-A). E.N. JOHNSON MIDDLE SCHOOL - Jeanine Bell (HM-A), Francesca Bonanno (HM-A), Diane Maher (2HM-A), Caroline Saia (SK-A), Kevin Xia (HM-A). WALPOLE HIGH SCHOOL - Michaela Brown (HM-A), Mary Caddick (GK-AP,GK-A), Kimberly Ciardiello (HM-A), Allison Clinton (HM-A), Shannon Cullen (HM-A), Emily Davis (GK-AP,2GK-A,HM-A), Steph DeSantis (HM-A), Marissa Glover (HM-A), Nell Gordon (SK-A), Caroline Illes (GK-A), Allison Leear (GK-A,SK-A), Erin McLellan (HM-A), Ella McMackin (HM-A), Carleen O’Driscoll (GK-A,HM-A), Lauren Regan (HM-A), Kira Street (GK-APGK-A2HM-A), Rachel Williams (GK-A,HM-A).

Waltham J.W. MCDEVITT MIDDLE SCHOOL - Parth Patel (SK-A), Brandon Santos (SK-A), Sarah Van Donsel (HM-A). WALTHAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Natasha Arseneau (HM-A), Daniel Gonzalez (SK-A), Kaitlin McColgan (GK-A,3HM-A), Jenna Mola (GK-A), Dalena Tran (HM-A).

Wareham WAREHAM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Alexander Couto (SK-A), Cait Jones (HM-A), Cherlynne Joseph (GK-A), Brenna McInerney (HM-A), Emma Stratton (HM-A), Maroby Walls (HM-A).

Watertown WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL - Taquina Cachimuel (GK-A), Caitlyn D’Amico (SK-A), Bryanna Dowcett (HM-A), Harout Jorekjian (SK-A), Talar Kaya (HM-A), Anna Kuwahara (HM-A), Laura Peckar (HM-A), Addie Teeven (SK-A).

Wayland WAYLAND HIGH SCHOOL - Sorenna Brown (HM-A), Amelia Haney (HM-A), Margaret Hojlo (HM-A), Kevin McKee (HM-A), Elizabeth Place (HM-A), Julia Saltzman (HM-A), Carter Shearer (HM-A), Alexandra Toto (HM-W), Laura Vancil (HM-A), Olivia Zhao (HM-A).

Wellesley DANA HALL SCHOOL - Caitlin Barros (GK-A), Kelly Billings (GK-PP,HM-A), Karina Bladon (SK-A), Molly Chisholm (HM-A), Stephanie Dareshori (HM-A), Maddy Dickey (GK-A), Felicia DiDomenico (HM-A), Rui Fu (SK-A), Eliza Geremia (SK-A), Kate Glass (GK-A), Olivia Henderson (SK-A), Katherine Higgons (HM-A), Momori Hirabayashi (HM-A), Eleanor Jahrling (SK-A), Jennie Kim (GK-AP), Jiyeon Kim (HM-A), Ji Eun Lee (SK-A), Mary Loomis (GK-PP,HM-A), Stephanie Mehlman (HM-A), Karunya Nathan (SK-A), Kristina Ohl (GK-A), Andrea Ruiz Ruiz (SK-A), Adrianna Russell (HM-A), Johanna Serna (SK-A,HM-A), Yixin Xu (HM-A), Joohyun Yu (GK-A). WELLESLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Faith Andrews (2HM-A), Rachel Baier (HM-A), Lauren Barnard (HM-A), Taylor Beckett (HM-A), Brendan Brown (HM-A), Cameron Cabo (2GK-A), Madi Carter (GK-A), Haley Cheek (GK-W), Tatiana Chinitz (HM-A), Val Collins (SK-A), Lexie Condren (SK-A), Elise DeFazio (HM-W), Alex Doe (SK-W), Baird Feeney (HM-A), Adam Finkelstein (SK-A), Jeffrey Gilbert (HM-A), Natalie Gubbay (GK-A), Olivia Hanron (SK-A), Isabelle Hanson (2HM-A), Saskia Higgins (HM-A), Amy Hsieh (SK-A), Allegra Hu (GK-A), Johanna Keigler (SK-A), Meghan King (HM-A), Emily Kraine (SK-A), Josephina Lin (HM-A), Hanyu Liu (SK-W,HM-A), Christina Luby (SK-A), Mallory Magee (HM-A), Alexa Marcasciano (GK-A), Kieva Mark (SK-AHM-A), Lizzie Mears (HM-A), Eleanor Medley (GK-A), Willie Meng (HM-A), Mary Kate Milway (HM-A), Jasmyn Mitchell (SK-A), Jake Mohan (SK-A), Catherine Murrey (HM-A), Rachel Nelson (HM-A), Posy Olivetti (HM-A), Nicole Piispanen (GK-A), Matthew Preston (GK-A), Kate Pyzowski (SK-A), Madeline Rieders (HM-A), Grace Ronchetti (HM-A), Matthew Scherrer (HM-A), Juliet Scott (HM-A), Nell Solomon (GK-A), Brian Tom (HM-A ), Sinclaire Vandervoort (HM-A), Jilly Veidenheimer (HM-A), Avery Wickersham (HM-A), Annika Witt (HM-A), Joshua Wolkjoff (HM-A), Joanna Wu (SK-A). WELLESLEY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Jeffrey Baudisch (HM-A), Heidi Boland (GK-PP), Juan Carbajal (HM-A), Christopher Clark (2HM-W), Olivia Czubarow (GK-A), Julia Devlin (HM-A), Laura Donovan (HM-A), Caroline Fahey (GK-PP,HM-A), Dana Feeney (2HM-A), Matt Finnerty (HM-A), Stephanie Forsey (HM-A), Hayden Fowler (GK-PP,SK-A), Carolyn Gee (GK-APSK-AHM-A), Alexander Golob (GK-AP,GK-A,SK-A), Nobska Goodhue (SK-A), Michelle Grey (HM-A), Taeghan Hagood (HM-A), Chandler Hartnett (HM-A), Sabina Hartnett (HM-A), Emma Hitch (SK-A), Grace Huddleston (HM-A), Michelle Juliani (HM-A), Brittany Juliano (GK-AP,HM-A), Lauren Kehoe (HM-A), Allison Kelliher (HM-A), Caroline Kelly (GK-W,3HM-W), Amanda Kim (HM-A), Kitae Kim (GK-APSK-A), Alison LePard (GK-A), Madison Marasco (2SK-A), Elizabeth McTighe (GK-A), Hannah Medley (HM-A), Kazuki Moriguchi (HM-A), Lucy Morse (GK-APSK-AHM-A), Sarah Norton (GK-A), Jillian Palladino (GK-PP,HM-A), Peter Palladino (SK-A), Stuart Perry (GK-AP,HM-A), Taylor Price (GK-PP,HM-A), Amelie Rey (HM-A), Kelly Saffery (HM-A), Lina Salameh (SK-A), Christina Seibel (HM-A), Kathryn Shupe (GK-PP), Sabrina Smith (SK-A), Olivia Stein (HM-A), Emma Suneby (SK-A), Katherine Tucker (SK-A), Miriam Vogel (SK-AHM-A), Carlijn Wagenaar (GK-A), Reed Walker (2SK-A), Emily Walsh (HM-A), Elizabeth Young (SK-A), Molly Yuan (SK-A), Helen Zhang (HM-A).

West Boylston WEST BOYLSTON JR./SR. HIGH - Corey Marsh (SK-A), David White (HM-A).

West Newbury PENTUCKET REG. SENIOR HIGH - Chloe Capener (HM-A), Noah Curtin (HM-A), Brooklyn Drougas (HM-A), Mia Hayden (HM-A), Marita McGinn (HM-A), Katherine Randall (HM-A), Cameron Silveira (HM-A), Alexandra Woodward (SK-A).

West Tisbury MARTHA’S VINEYARD CHARTER - Eli Dagostino (GK-AHM-A), Anna Hughes (GK-WP), Oscar Thompson (SK-W).

Westborough HOME SCHOOL - Jayune Lee (2HM-W). WESTBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL - Cambre Colon (HM-A), Alex Hayes (HM-A), Stephanie Johnston (SK-A), Cailin Li (HM-A), Terese Lukey (GK-AP), Kimberly Orr (HM-A), James Plowman (SK-A), Lydia Stedman (HM-A), Michelle Stevens (SK-A), Thais Vieira (HM-A).

Westford HOME SCHOOL - Nicholas DiNatale (GK-A). STONY BROOK SCHOOL - Andee Song (2HM-A), Jessica Zhang (SK-A). WESTFORD ACADEMY - Sarah Brunelle (SK-A), Sean Burke (HM-A), Charlotte Callon (GK-A), Elise Gosselin (HM-A), Pooja Gupta (SK-A), Jennifer Keane (HM-A), Alivia Kilroy (HM-A), Sarah Kovalchik (HM-A), Chiraag Lathia (2GK-A), Lance Luther (SK-A), Dylan McCusker (2HM-A), Jennifer McIntosh (SK-A), Lena Mirisola (GK-A), Sabrina Mortensen (GK-A), Connor Peacock (SK-A), Priyanka Ram (GK-A), Ryan Ricci (GK-A), Caitlin Sullivan (HM-A), Megan Walter (SK-A).

Weston CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL OF WESTON - Florence Alexander (SK-A), Amelia Andrews (GK-A), Liam Dermady (GK-A), Natasha Dewitz (GK-A), Alison Eddy (HM-A), Mark Gartsbeyn (HM-A), Peter LaFreniere (GK-A), Beechna Lee (GK-A), Yi-Wen Liu (HM-A), Matthew Loreti (GK-ASK-A), Lilian Peper (GK-PP), Jesse Phillips (HM-A), Nina Rizzi (HM-A), Ruby Rose (GK-A), Sarah Rosenberg (GK-AVN,HM-A), Julia Saldaña (HM-A), Jamie Sarafan (HM-A), Annarose Shaver (HM-A), Victor Sylva (GK-AP), Katie Toth (HM-A), Mijia Wang (GK-A), Erin Wright (HM-A), Georgia Wyman (HM-A). THE RIVERS SCHOOL - Andy Ades (2SK-A), Lindsey Ades (GK-A), Anne Armstrong (SK-A), Kelsey Bacon (HM-A), Ross Barlow (HM-A), Angie Buitrago (HM-A), Zach Bunick (GK-A), Abby Burke (SK-A), Molly Busch (SK-A), Nina Ciffolillo (HM-A), Dan Corcoran (SK-A), Abi Crawford (GK-A), Danny Davis (HM-A), Quentin Eagan (HM-A), Summers Ford (GK-A), Emily Fraser (SK-A), Nina Friedman (SK-A), Alex Gamez (GK-A), Alejandra Gil (HM-A), Sarah Gilmore (HM-A), Stephen Goodwin (HM-A), Emma Harrison (GK-A), Kevin Hester (HM-A), Alexa Holmes (HM-A), Jennifer Jasinski (HM-A), Devon Kelliher (HM-A), Carson Knisley (HM-A), Savannah Knisley (HM-A), Alec Long (HM-A), Elizabeth Magnan (SK-A,HM-A), Meghan McEachern (HM-A), Georgia McIntyre (SK-A), Alyssa McNally (HM-A), Tayra Melendez (GK-ASK-A), Ju’Quan Mills (SK-A), Meghan Morgan (HM-A), Jenny Rosenfield (HM-A), Natalie Schoen (GK-A), Rachel Silverman (GK-A), Jaclyn Sisselman (HM-A), Justin Snider (SK-A), Salvatore Sprofera (GK-A,HM-A), Brooke Stoller (HM-A), Emily Treveloni (HM-A), Jeff Vaz (SK-A), Adam Verga (HM-A), Ashley Weir (SK-A). WESTON HIGH SCHOOL - Scott Alperin (HM-A), Matthew Atkins (GK-AP), Kevin Bae (GK-A,SK-A,HM-A), Molly Burchard (3GK-AHM-A), Alex Burgess (SK-A), Branndon Chen (4GK-A,3SK-A,2HM-A), Jason Fishman (HM-A), Lillian Fishman (GK-WP,GK-W), Sara Gillooly (SK-A), Molly Hickey (3HM-A), Abby Hirsch (HM-A), Bennet Karel (HM-A), Katherine Kim (GK-A2SK-A), Colin Minigan (HM-A), Lydia Moore (HM-A), Elizabeth O’Connor (HM-A), James Packs (GK-A), Yiwei Qi (GK-A,SK-A), Johnathan Sheiman (SK-AHM-A), Carolyn Shin (GK-AP), David Valle (SK-A), Jenna Weissman (HM-A), Margaret Wiss (HM-A), Diana Zhao (HM-A).

Westwood WESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL - Rebecca Axworthy (SK-A), Kendall Blizzard (SK-A), Bridget Burke (HM-A), Tom Bustamante (HM-A), Christine Casavant (HM-A), Celia Condrick (HM-A), Katherine DeAngelis (GK-A), Ian Delaney (HM-A), Taline Doursounian (HM-A), Alex Frangiosa (GK-A), Mike Gedeon (GK-A), Alison Giovino (SK-A), Halley Husted (HM-A ), Danielle Kaplan (HM-A), Julia Kaplan (GK-A,HM-A), Abigail Keaveney (SK-A), Daniela Kessler (HM-A), Meredith Kress (SK-A), Ivy Lee (SK-A), Alex Lo (HM-A), Stephanie Lombard (SK-A), Alex Miller (SK-A), Katherine Murphy (SK-AHM-A), Thomas Ollerhead (SK-A), Ashley Parker (HM-A), Sydney Petta (SK-A2-HM), Kaitlin Plecinoga (HM-A), Haley Richman (HM-A), Kristina Saliba (HM-A), Olivia Smith (SK-A,HM-A), Chloe Snyder (GK-A,HM-A), Shannon Stivaletta (SK-A). XAVERIAN BROTHERS HIGH SCHOOL - Michael Hagerty (GK-A,SK-A), Minju Kim (HM-A), Ben Martell (HM-A), Benjamin Reynolds (SK-A,HM-A), Donald Seymour (HM-A), Joseph Spadoni (HM-A).

Weymouth WEYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL - Marisa Ciarlone (HM-A).

Whitman WHITMAN-HANSON REG. HIGH - Caily Blauss (HM-A), Aimee Bombardier (HM-A), Markis


(HM-A), Sharon Constantineau (HM-A), Allyson Corbeels (HM-A), Alex Hochstrasser (GK-A), Kevin Meehan (SK-A), Caitlin Mulligan (GK-A,2HM-A), Morgan Turner (2SK-A).

Wilbraham MINNECHAUG REG. HIGH - Sydnee Akubuiro (HM-W), Emily Albano (SK-W), Celina Borawski (SK-W), Carolyn Ehlers (HM-W), Katharina Kristensen (SK-W), Anthony Masi (HM-W), Corinne Murphy (GK-W), Joseph Ribeiro (HM-W), Austin Sowa (GK-A), Tory Trombley (GK-W).

Wilmington HOME SCHOOL - Hristina Tasheva (SK-A). WILMINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - Alexander Ball (HM-A), Savannah Hubbard (SK-AHM-A), Victoria Oliveira (HM-A), Sara Pudvelis (HM-A).

Winchester WINCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL - Cassia Araujo-Lane (HM-A), Jeneane Desilets (3HM-A), Daniel Hodges (2HM-A), Annie Langlois (SK-A), Melanie Manko (SK-A), Nina McDonnell (SK-A), Alissa McGeehan (2HM-A), Ellen Nguyen (SK-A), Anna Vaeth (SK-A), Shiwen Zhang (SK-A,HM-A).

Winthrop WINTHROP MIDDLE SCHOOL - Isabella Cusato (HM-A), Natalie FitzPatrick (HM-A). WINTHROP SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - James Aliberti (2HM-A), Sean Egan (HM-A), Ashley Kim (SK-A), Eric Wright (HM-A).

Woburn DANIEL L. JOYCE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Nicole Zadykowicz (HM-A). WOBURN HIGH SCHOOL - Alana Buckley (HM-A), Douglas Salvati (SK-A), Kelly Tancredi (HM-A).

Worcester BANCROFT SCHOOL - Jackie Donnelly (HM-A), Susannah Jones (2HM-A), Emma Keates (GK-A), Benjamin Landry (2HM-A), Ethan Lutz (HM-A), Dezarae Mosley (HM-A), Emma Sullivan (HM-A). BURNCOAT MIDDLE SCHOOL - Linzi Fitzgerald (HM-A), Madison Paquette (HM-A), Alexis Williams (HM-A). DOHERTY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL - Keenan Cassidy (SK-A), Jeffrey Gustafson (SK-A). HOLY NAME CENTRAL CATHOLIC - Julia Simoneau (SK-W). MASSACHUSETTS ACADEMY OF MATH & SCIENCE - Divya Satishchandra (HM-A). ST. PETER-MARIAN CATHOLIC - Joanna Bercume (SK-A,HM-A), Kathryn Dunn (HM-A), Amanda Gibson (HM-A), Maria Renzoni (HM-A), Trinere Rodriguez (HM-A), Cara Stevens (SK-A), Veronica Sweeney (HM-A ), Amy Tran (SK-A). UNIVERSITY PARK CAMPUS SCHOOL - Hannah Cao (HM-A).

Wrentham KING PHILIP REG. HIGH - Charlotte Benson (SK-AHM-A), Matthew Harnois (SK-A), Liam Kirwan (HM-A), Emily Manning (HM-A), Katie McEachern (GK-A), Sarah Mealy (HM-A), Victoria Norman (HM-A), Jenna Petruzziello (2HM-A), Grace Sanita (HM-A), Austin Sherman (2HM-A), Sarah Sullivan (2GK-A).

Yarmouth DENNIS-YARMOUTH REG. HIGH - Spencer McCaffrey (HM-AA, Pamela Meritus (HM-AA, Jake Morley (GK-AA).

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